System of the Wind Wave Operational Forecast by the Black Sea Marine Forecast Center

Yu. B. Ratner, V. V. Fomin, A. M. Ivanchik, M. V. Ivanchik

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



System of the wind wave operational forecast in the Black Sea based on the SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) numerical spectral model is represented. In the course of the system development the SWAN model was adapted to take into account the features of its operation at the Black Sea Marine Forecast Center.

The model input-output is agreed with the applied nomenclature and the data representation formats. The user interface for rapid access to simulation results was developed. The model adapted to wave forecast in the Black Sea in a quasi-operational mode, is validated for 2012–2015.

Validation of the calculation results was carried out for all five forecasting terms based on the analysis of two-dimensional graphs of the wave height distribution derived from the data of prognostic calculations and remote measurements obtained with the altimeter installed on the Jason-2 satellite. Calculation of the statistical characteristics of the deviations between the wave height prognostic values and the data of their measurements from the Jason-2 satellite, as well as a regression analysis of the relationship between the forecasted and measured wave heights was additionally carried out.

A comparison of the results obtained with the similar results reported in the works of other authors published in 2009–2016 showed their satisfactory compliance with each other.

The forecasts carried out by the authors for the Black Sea as well as those obtained for the other World Ocean regions show that the current level of numerical methods for sea wave forecasting is in full compliance with the requirements of specialists engaged in studying and modeling the state of the ocean and the atmosphere, as well as the experts using these results for solving applied problems.


the Black Sea, SWAN, automatic system, wave forecast, altimetry, satellite measure-ments, wave height, validation, visualization, server

For citation

Ratner, Yu.B., Fomin, V.V., Ivanchik, A.M. and Ivanchik, M.V., 2017. System of the Wind Wave Operational Forecast by the Black Sea Marine Forecast Center. Physical Oceanography, (5), pp. 51-59. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-5-51-59




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