
Sergey Karpovich Konovalov

Sergey Karpovich Konovalov

*Doctor of Geographical Sciences

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution

Federal Research Centre

"Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

2, Kapitanskaya Str., 299011, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Tel./fax: +7 8692 54 52 41
E-mail: secretary@mhi-ras.ru

Scopus Author ID: 7103125868
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5200-8448
Web of Science ResearcherID: F-9047-2014
Google Scholar
РИНЦ AuthorID: 349666, SPIN-code: 9309-4775


In 1982, S.K. Konovalov graduated from the Chemistry Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In 1990, he defended his thesis for the scientific degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences majoring in Chemistry and High-Pressure Physics (Synthesis and Properties of Aluminum and Beryllium Hydrides).

In 2002, he defended his thesis for the scientific degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences majoring in Oceanology (Sub-Oxygen Zone of the Black Sea: Genesis and Role in the Formation of Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Biogeochemical Structure of the Main Pycnocline Waters).

Work experience

1982 – Engineer, Sevastopol Branch of N.N. Zubov's State Oceanographic Institute (SB SOI)

1985 – Junior Research Associate, SB SOI

1991 – Research Associate, SB SOI

1992 – Senior Research Associate, Marine Hydrophysical Institute of NAS of Ukraine (MHI NASU)

2002 – Senior Research Associate, MHI NASU

2006 – Leading Research Associate, MHI NASU

2009 – Head of Department, MHI NASU

2015 – Interim Director, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS"

2016 – Director, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS"

2019 – Director, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Centre "Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS"

S.K. Konovalov is a renowned scientist in the field of hydrochemistry and biogeochemistry of the marine environment. His scientific interests are concentrated on the key problems of research methodology, monitoring the hydrochemical characteristics of the marine environment and formation of coherent scientific knowledge about the hydrochemical aspects of functioning of marine ecosystems under the conditions of observed climate changes and intense anthropogenic pressure.

Main scientific fields of work

  • study of formation and evolution processes of the biogeochemical structure of the Black Sea and adaptation of the hydrochemical structure of the sea to anthropogenic load and observed climate changes;
  • study and parameterization of geochemical and biogeochemical processes in water and sea sediments;
  • construction of conceptual and numerical models for the evolution of biogeochemical components of the marine ecosystem;
  • study of the role of natural processes and anthropogenic impact on the budget of biogeochemical components of waters and assimilation potential of the Black Sea by numerical methods;
  • assessment of conditions for sustainable development and catastrophic changes in the marine ecosystem.

Awards and honorary titles

  • Honoured Worker of Science and Technology of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2009);
  • State Prize of Ukraine in the field of Science and Technology (2012);
  • Black Sea Medal 2017 for outstanding contribution to the protection of the Black Sea marine environment awarded by the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution.

Project management

  • the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation on theme No. FNNN-2021-0004 Fundamental studies of oceanological processes determining state and evolution of marine environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors based on observation and modeling methods;
  • RFBR, Processes and characteristics of long-term changes in oxycline structure, suboxygenic zone, and hydrogen sulfide distribution in the Black Sea waters (2019-2021, 19-35-90062);
  • RFBR, Anthropogenic eutrophication in the Black Sea pelagic zone: long-term trends, mechanisms, consequences (2019, 19-15-00004);
  • RFBR, All-Russian Scientific Conference Seas of Russia: Fundamental and Applied Research (2019, 19-05-20074);
  • RFBR, Study and assessment of the role of hydrophysical and biogeochemical processes in the formation of oxygen deficiency zones and hydrogen sulfide pollution of coastal areas of the Crimean Peninsula and the Kerch Strait (2018, 18-05-80028);
  • RFBR, Management plan of the All-Russian Scientific Conference Seas of Russia: Research Methods, Tools and Results (2018, 18-05-20079);
  • RFBR, Management plan of the Scientific Conference Seas of Russia: Science, Safety, Resources (2017, 17-05-20401);
  • RFBR, Biogeochemical processes, dynamics, and geochemical characteristics of hydrogen sulfide pollution in areas of coastal methane seeps (2016-2018, 16-05-00471);
  • RFBR, Management plan of the Scientific and Practical Conference Ways to solve the problem of preservation and restoration of beaches on the Crimean Peninsula (2015, 15-05-20730);
  • RFBR, Methods for assessing the marine environment quality (with the example of Sevastopol Bay) for integrated coastal zone management (2014, 14-45-01001).

S.K. Konovalov took part in 29 international projects while headed 14 of them.

He developed scientific programs of expeditions on the US research vessels KNORR (2001, 2003) and ENDEVOR (2005) as well as a German vessel Maria S. Merian (2013) in international research cruises to study the Black Sea and was directly involved in these programs.

Membership in professional societies

  • National Committee of the International Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR);
  • Council for BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation;
  • Scientific Council of RAS on the complex problem of hydrophysics;
  • Scientific Council of RAS on global environmental problems;
  • Scientific Council of RAS on water resources of land.

Other professional activity

  • Member of the Scientific Council of FSBSI FRC MHI;
  • Chairman of the Dissertation Council of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Centre "Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences" - Oceanology (geographical sciences);
  • Member of the Dissertation Council of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Research Centre "A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Marine Biological Research of RAS" – Hydrobiology;
  • Chief Editor of Morskoy Gidrofizicheskiy Zhurnal / Physical Oceanography journals;
  • Member of editorial boards of Ecological Safety of Coastal and Shelf Zones of Sea, Morskoy Ecologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vodnye Resursy and Journal of Oceanological Research;
  • Reviewer of Chemosphere, Deep-Sea Research, Ecological Modelling, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Environmental Science & Technology, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Marine Systems, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine Chemistry journals.

Key publications over the last 5 years

  1. Masevich, A.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2022. Oxygen Dynamics during the Period of Dystrophic Processes in the Black Sea. Physical Oceanography, 29(1), pp. 83–97. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2022-1-83-97
  2. Varenik, A.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2021. Variations in Concentrations and Ratio of Soluble Forms of Nutrients in Atmospheric Depositions and Effects for Marine Coastal Areas of Crimea, Black Sea. Applied Sciences, 11(23), 11509. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112311509
  3. Vidnichuk, A.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2021. Changes in the Oxygen Regime in the Deep Part of the Black Sea in 1980–2019. Physical Oceanography, 28(2), pp. 180–190. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2021-2-180-190
  4. Gurov, K. and Konovalov, S., 2020. Bottom Sediments and Their Properties in the Сrimea Coastal Regions. In: SGEM, 2020. 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020. Sofia, Bulgaria: SGEM. Vol. 20, book 3.1, pp. 815–821. doi:10.5593/sgem2020/3.1/s15.105
  5. Orekhova, N.A. and Konovalov, S.K., 2019. Biogeochemistry of Oxygen Deficiency in Nearshore Black Sea Regions of Crimea. In: MEDCOAST, 2019. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation. Marmaris, Turkey: Mediterranean Coastal Foundation. Vol. 1, pp. 297–306.
  6. Yunev, O.A., Konovalov, S.K. and Velikova, V., 2019. Anthropogenic Eutrophication in the Black Sea Pelagic Zone: Long-Term Trends, Mechanisms, Consequences. Moscow: GEOS, 164 p. (in Russian).
  7. Klyuvitkin, A.A., Ostrovskii, A.G., Lisitzin, A.P. and Konovalov, S.K., 2019. The Energy Spectrum of the Current Velocity in the Deep Part of the Black Sea. Doklady Earth Sciences, 488(2), pp. 1222–1226. https://doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X1910012X
  8. Orekhova, N.A., Konovalov, S.K. and Medvedev, E.V., 2019. Features of Inorganic Carbon Regional Balance in Marine Ecosystems under Anthropogenic Pressure. Physical Oceanography, 26(3), pp. 225–235. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2019-3-225-235
  9. Orekhova, N.A. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Oxygen and Sulfides in Bottom Sediments of the Coastal Sevastopol Region of Crimea. Oceanology, 58(5), pp. 679–688. doi:10.1134/S0001437018050107
  10. Kremenchutskii, D.A., Dymova, O.A., Batrakov, G.F. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Numerical Simulation of the Intra-Annual Evolution of Beryllium-7 (7Be) in the Surface Layer of the Black Sea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(11), pp. 11120–11127. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-1269-y
  11. Gurov, K.I., Myslina, M.A. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Seasonal Changes of the Bottom Sediments’ Physicochemical Characteristics in the Region of the Near-Coastal Methane Seeps. Physical Oceanography, 25(2), pp. 136–143. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-2-136-143
  12. Orekhova, N.A. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Variation in the Carbon Cycle of the Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 107(1), 012070. doi :10.1088/1755-1315/107/1/012070
  13. Konovalov, S.K., Vidnichuk, A.V. and Orekhova, N.A., 2018. Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of the Hydrochemical Structure of Water in the Deep-Sea Part of the Black Sea. In: A. Lisitzin, ed., 2018. The Black Sea System. Moscow: Scientific World, pp. 106–118. doi:10.29006/978-5-91522-473-4.2018 (in Russian).
  14. Varenik, A.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Biogenic Elements of Atmospheric Deposition and Their Influence on the Surface Waters of the Black Sea. In: A. Lisitzin, ed., 2018. The Black Sea System. Moscow: Scientific World, pp. 335–349. doi:10.29006/978-5-91522-473-4.2018 (in Russian).
  15. Orekhova, N.A. and Konovalov, S.K., 2018. Oxygen and hydrogen sulfide in the upper layer of the Black Sea bottom sediments. In: A. Lisitzin, ed., 2018. The Black Sea System. Moscow: Scientific World, pp. 543–559. doi:10.29006/978-5-91522-473-4.2018 (in Russian).
  16. Kaiser, D., Konovalov, S., Schulz-Bull, D.E. and Waniek, J.J., 2017. Organic Matter along Longitudinal and Vertical Gradients in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 129, pp. 22–31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2017.09.006
  17. Konovalov, S., Orekhova, N., Gurov, K.I., Kanapatskiy, T., Myslina, M. and Pimenov, N., 2017. Dynamics in Coastal Biogeochemistry near Methane Seeps. In: MEDCOAST, 2017. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation. Mugla, Turkey: MEDCOAST. Vol. 2, pp. 1111–1119.
  18. Kondratev, S.I., Medvedev, E.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2017. Total Alkalinity and pH in the Black Sea Waters in 2010–2011. Physical Oceanography, (4), pp. 35–45. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-4-35-45
  19. Orekhova, N.A., Konovalov, S.K., Ovsyany, E.I. and Gurov, K.I., 2017. Red-Ox Processes in Microbial Mats of the Northwestern Crimea Coast. In: IO RAS, 2017. Geology of Seas and Oceans: Proceedings of XXII International Conference on Marine Geology. Moscow: IO RAS. Vol. IV, pp. 140–143. Available at: http://geoschool.ocean.ru/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=3&Itemid=201 [Accessed: 11 March 2022] (in Russian).
  20. Orekhova, N.A., Medvedev, E.V. and Konovalov, S.K., 2016. Carbonate System Characteristics of the Sevastopol Bay Waters in 2009–2015. Physical Oceanography, (3), pp. 31–46. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-3-36-46
  21. Kondratev, S.I., Varenik, A.V., Vnukov, Yu.L., Gurov, K.I., Kozlovskaya, O.N., Kotelianets, E.A., Medvedev, E.V., Orekhova, N.A., Svishchev, S.V., Khoruzhiy, D.S. and Konovalov, S.K., 2016. Blue Bay as a Sub-Satellite Ground for Evaluating Hydrochemical Characteristics in the Shelf Areas of the Crimea. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 48–59. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-1-48-59
  22. Korshenko, A.N., Panchenko, A.V., Lyubimtsev, A.L., Mezentseva, I.V., Shibayeva, S.A., Konovalov, S.K. and Kondratev, S.I., 2015. Black Sea. In: A. N. Korshenko, ed., 2015. Marine Water Pollution. Annual Report 2014. Moscow: Nauka. Chapter 3, pp. 50–67. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/29407990/Ежегодник_качества_морских_вод_по_гидрохимическим_показателям_за_2014_год [Accessed: 11 March 2022] (in Russian).