Application of a Сhannel Model for Describing Propagation of Tsunami-Like Single Waves in a Channel with Variable Cross-Section

A.Yu. Bazykina, S.F. Dotsenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Being seismically active, the Bosporus area is always under the possibility of tremors. The earthquake with a magnitude of more than 5, which caused a tsunami wave, has already been observed in this region. Therefore, there is a need to study the amplitude characteristics of the waves as they propagate in the strait. Channel model of surface long waves is used to describe propagation of single linear waves in the channel of variable cross-section simulating the Bosporus. Numerical analysis is done both for the maximum height and wave velocity of the waves propagating from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea and vice versa, and for the case of evolution of the initial fluid displacement at its various location in the strait. Growth of a wave height and velocity is correlated with decrease of the strait width and its cross-sections’ areas. When the waves propagate from the Black Sea to the Marmara their intensification is more significant than that at their movement in the opposite direction. Wave speed can be comparable or even exceed the value of the velocity of the background flow in the Bosporus. In the case when the waves propagate from the tsunami generation zone in the strait middle part, the highest rises of the fluid free surface do not exceed the absolute value of the sea surface initial displacement.


tsunami waves, the Bosporus Strait, channel theory of long waves, numerical solutions, wave propagation in a strait, wave intensification

For citation

Bazykina, A.Yu. and Dotsenko, S.F., 2015. Application of a Сhannel Model for Describing Propagation of Tsunami-Like Single Waves in a Channel with Variable Cross-Section. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 27-38. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-1-27-38




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