Experimental Study of High Wind Sea Surface Drag Coefficient

I.A. Repina, A.Yu. Artamonov, M.I. Varentsov, A.V. Kozyrev

A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation


Insufficient knowledge of the atmosphere layer structure and momentum, heat and moisture exchange between the rough water surface and atmosphere under various background conditions is currently the main obstacle to the proper functioning of the global and regional weather prediction models and models of climate change. The sea surface drag coefficient is one of the main characteristics of the air-sea interaction, included in the wind waves and sea wind prediction models. In this paper the sea surface drag coefficient under differ condition in the coastal zone and deep sea was estimated from experimental measurements. The shipboard experimental data confirmed that the drag coefficient levels off as wind speed increases under high wind conditions (wind speed greater 25 m/s) while decreases as wind speed further increases. The characters of air-sea interaction in the coastal zone were investigated. It was documented grater drag coefficient under off-shore wind directions off-shore documented greater wind stress that could explain of the gusty of coastal winds, shoaling waves and development of internal boundary layers with off-shore flow. Also observed Drag coefficient at on-shore wind are greater than deep water values. It is explained that the wind wave state may be related to bottom topography, coastal line and fetch limited condition. Since the deep water surface drag coefficient is likely to underestimate wind stress and thus storm surge near the coast.


air-sea interaction, strong winds, drag coefficient, off-shore wind

For citation

Repina, I.A., Artamonov, A.Yu., Varentsov, M.I. and Kozyrev, A.V., 2015. Experimental Study of High Wind Sea Surface Drag Coefficient. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 49-58. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-1-49-58




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