Technique of the Black Sea Temperature and Salinity Measurement Data Analysis Using Dynamic Altimetry Level

G.K. Korotaev, P.N. Lishaev, V.V. Knysh

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Original technique of combined analysis of temperature and salinity measurements and altimetry observations in the Black Sea is proposed. The technique essence consists in constructing (on the chosen horizons) the diagrams of empirical relationships between the integer sea level bins and the corresponding monthly average salinity and temperature values taken from the area bounded by the 500 m isobath. Such a technique permits to mark out contribution of adiabatic processes to deformation of temperature and salinity profiles. At that salinity and temperature profiles corresponding to a zero sea level bin represent an unperturbed state. The constructed in such a way (at a zero sea level) monthly average profiles of undisturbed seawater temperature and salinity are analyzed. Diagrams of seasonal and monthly average salinity profiles in 0 – 300 m layer indicates the seawater desalination in the upper 0 – 50 m layer by the end of the 1993 – 2002 period. Interannual variability of monthly average temperature profiles shows decrease of cold intermediate layer thickness. Analysis of T, S-curves of different sea level bins reveals the fact that the profiles of temperature and salinity measured at the stations, regardless of their spatial position and time of execution, converge in 100 – 1200 m layer. This layer corresponds to intermediate water mass of the Black Sea. The given fact indicates predominant role of adiabatic processes on the selected depths.


zero sea level bin, adiabatic processes, monthly average salinity (temperature) profile, low salinity of water, thickness of cold intermediate layer, T, S-curves

For citation

Korotaev, G.K., Lishaev, P.N. and Knysh, V.V., 2015. Technique of the Black Sea Temperature and Salinity Measurement Data Analysis Using Dynamic Altimetry Level. Physical Oceanography, (2), pp. 24-38. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-2-24-38




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