Management of integral ecological-economic processes in the «Coast – Sea» system

I.E. Timchenko, I.K. Ivashchenko, E.M. Igumnova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation


A model of ecological-economic system connected output of the economic subsystem “Coast” and the level of marine environment pollution controlled by the by the subsystem “Sea” is proposed. The model is constructed by the method of adaptive balance of causes and includes the management agents which permit to define the rate of economic sanctions applied to an enterprise for deterioration of the marine environment ecological condition. It is shown that this method for modeling of cause-effect relations in complex systems adequately describes regularities of behavior (known from the experience) of main economic variables in the “Coast” subsystem. These variables are prime cost and profit dynamics depending on penalties for marine environment pollution with production wastes. A method for introduction of these penalties by means of management agents in the “Sea” subsystem, which control the cases of exceeding the maximum allowable pollution level, is proposed. To verify the proposed methods for the “Coast – Sea” model management, a series of simulation experiments is carried out. It was determined that equation system of adaptive “Coast – Sea” model has the only stable solution. The examples of scenarios simulating conditions of balances between economic profit of production and the expenses required for protection of marine environment from pollution are presented. In particular, the scenarios which allow one to manage production dynamics by means of continuous control over the marine environment pollution level are constructed. The conclusion that the adaptive models of cause-effect relations between the integral economic and ecological processes in the coastal zone permit to find the conditions that provide rational environment management is drawn.


ecological-economic model, adaptive balance of causes

For citation

Timchenko, I.E., Ivashchenko, I.K. and Igumnova, E.M., 2015. Management of integral ecological-economic processes in the «Coast – Sea» system. Physical Oceanography, (3), pp. 58-71. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-3-58-71




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