Automatic monitoring system of the Sevastopol Black Sea region marine environment

A.L. Kholod, Yu.B. Ratner, N.L. Mamchur, M.V. Ivanchik, A.M. Ivanchik

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Operational monitoring system is developed to automatize the process of diagnosis and forecast of hydrological fields of marine environment in the Sevastopol Black Sea region based on the local hydrodynamical model POM. The initial and boundary conditions for the local model are set from the basin model of the Black Sea dynamics. The data obtained by SKIRON Regional Forecast Center of Athens University is applied as the atmospheric effect. For the parameterization of vertical mixing in local circulation model POM turbulence model based on turbulence hypotheses of Rott – Kolmogorov and generalized by Mellor and Yamada in the case of a stratified flow is included. The model takes into consideration the penetration of the short-wave solar radiation into the water column. System automation is implemented using the CalcMan software package which is an own development of Marine Hydrophysical Institute. The output fields are accessible in the NetCDF format with horizontal spatial resolution constituting 1 km, vertical resolution – 18 irregular levels from 2.5 to 1000 m and time resolution – 3 hr. The system provides a possibility of daily updating the forecast data. Based on the THREDDS server, the specialized visualization subsystem is installed and configured to visualize and disseminate simulations results. Its user-friendly interface allows a server-side analysis of all the forecasted fields, permits to construct horizontal and vertical sections, vertical profiles and time series, to create animated pictures without downloading the data to a client’s side. OPENDAP and NetcdfSubset interfaces are used for disseminating data in a digital form.


automatic system, information technology, simulation, monitoring, hydrodynamical model, temperature, salinity, current velocity, sea level, diagnosis, forecast, validation, visualization, THREDDS-server

For citation

Kholod, A.L., Ratner, Yu.B., Mamchur, N.L., Ivanchik, M.V. and Ivanchik, A.M., 2015. Automatic monitoring system of the Sevastopol Black Sea region marine environment. Physical Oceanography, (4), pp. 66-77. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-4-66-77




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