Regional projections of climate change for the Black Sea – Caspian Sea area in late XXI century

V.V. Efimov1, E.M. Volodin2, A.E. Anisimov1, V.S. Barabanov1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

2 Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation


The results of dynamical downscaling of general circulation model INMCM4 data are described. INMCM4 model provided data on the atmosphere with 2 × 1,5° spatial resolution and on the ocean with 1 × 0,5° resolution. Two regional climate models (RegCM4 and HadRM3P) were used to downscale input data for 1971 – 2000 and 2071 – 2100 periods. Enhanced spatial resolution 25 × 25 km was obtained by downscaling procedure. Main parameters of climate change are presented for the Black Sea and Caspian region at the end of XXI century assuming intense anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases in accordance with _RCP_8.5 scenario. Climate change in the region, according to the models, is characterized by significant temperature increase in summer (~ 5 °C) and relatively moderate increase in winter (2 – 3 °C). The amount of precipitation is also considerably decreasing (more then by 40%) in the area that corresponds maximum warming (Carpathians and Anatolian peninsula) in spring and summer seasons. In both models total precipitation decrease occurs mainly due to decrease of convective precipitation frequency. Generally, the main reasons for predicted changes in the future climate are the thermodynamic phenomena connected with decreasing relative humidity as well as some circulation features caused by enhanced anti-cyclonic circulation in the region. Obtained numerical estimations of regional climate change are in a good agreement with data from previous studies.


regional climate, simulation, the Black Sea region, Caspian Sea region

For citation

Efimov, V.V., Volodin, E.M., Anisimov, A.E. and Barabanov, V.S., 2015. Regional projections of climate change for the Black Sea – Caspian Sea area in late XXI century. Physical Oceanography, (5), pp. 49-66. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-5-49-66




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