Determination of the Concentration of Seawater Components based on Upwelling Radiation Spectrum

M.E. Lee, E.B. Shybanov, E.N. Korchemkina, O.V. Martynov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia



Results of seawater reflectance measurements carried out in the Black Sea coastal waters in the summer-autumn season, 2002–2014 on the oceanographic platform of the Experimental Department of MHI are discussed. The data were obtained using the spectrophotometer developed in the Marine Optics Department of MHI. Special measuring technique allows one to take into account the light reflected by the sea surface that eliminates necessity in sub-surface probing and provides higher accuracy as compared to the results of the model simulations. The measurements show that in the summer-autumn period the sea reflectance spectra are of almost constant shape with a smooth peak in the range 480–500 nm. The peak values usually lie within between 1% (October) and 2% (July), except for the spectra measured during the coccolythophore bloom in 2012 when the peak values reached 6.6% (4.5% on average). The semi-analytical algorithm of reflectance data processing permits to obtain inherent optical properties of seawater including the phytoplankton pigments’ concentration, absorption by nonliving organic matter and scattering by marine particles, and also to detect the auxiliary photosynthetic pigments from the reconstructed phytoplankton absorption spectrum. Special optimization technique permitting to simplify and to stabilize calculations is introduced. The chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained using the algorithm are in good agreement with direct biological data. Simultaneous measurements of reflectance and chlorophyll-a concentration performed during the sub-satellite experiment in 2002–2004 have shown that discrepancy between the modeled and the measured concentrations was about 10%. The considered method permits to carry out operational sub-satellite monitoring of marine environment and, in particular, to validate the algorithms for processing remote sensing data.


seawater reflectance coefficient, spectrophotometer, chlorophyll-a, mineral suspension, coccolithophore, phytoplankton pigments

For citation

Lee, M.E., Shybanov, E.B., Korchemkina, E.N. and Martynov, O.V., 2015. Determination of the Concentration of Seawater Components based on Upwelling Radiation Spectrum. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 15-30. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-6-15-30




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