Breeze Circulation in the Crimean Region Atmosphere

V.V. Efimov, O.I. Komarovskaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Using the numerical model WRF-ARW, the atmospheric circulation in the Crimea region in a summer period is simulated with the purpose of distinguishing contribution of the breeze circulation conditioning the wind speed. The values of the breeze speed at day and night are shown for the moments when they achieve their maximum, i.e. at 1 p.m. and 2 a.m., local time, respectively. Under the assumption of a breeze daily quasi-periodicity, the speeds of the day and night breeze are calculated for the whole region and, in more details, – for several regions of the Crimea coast. As the insolation daily cycle which is of insignificant inter-annual variability in a summer period, constitutes the initial reason of breeze circulation, its obtained estimates can be attributed rather surely to the specified period of a year. The typical form of a daily breeze circulation over the Crimea is the directed to the peninsular center surface wind conditioned by two features of the region: the limited dimensions of the Crimea Peninsula and presence of the sufficiently high Crimean Mountains. Three areas with the increased values of a day breeze are distinguished: the western coast (the Sevastopol – Evpatoria region), the northwestern coast and the mountain foot zone of the Crimea Southern coast. The features of the day and night breeze formation are selected in these regions. Presence of the littoral mountains and the coast configuration result in formation of the breeze development specific features.


breeze, numerical modeling, atmospheric circulation, the Crimea region

For citation

Efimov, V.V. and Komarovskaya, O.I., 2015. Breeze Circulation in the Crimean Region Atmosphere. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 69-78. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2015-6-69-78




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