Optical Features of the Black Sea Aerosol and the Sea Water Upper Layer Based on In Situ and Satellite Measurements

V.V. Suslin1, ✉, V.K. Slabakova2, D.V. Kalinskaya1, S.F. Pryakhina1, N.I. Golovko1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

2 Institute of Oceanology BAS, Varna, Bulgaria

e-mail: slava.suslin@gmail.com


The article gives the analysis of the quality of reconstructing basic aerosol characteristics (the aerosol optical depth AOD and the Ångström parameter Å) and the water-leaving radiance spectrum (normalized water-leaving radiance nLw) resulted from application of standard atmospheric correc-tion of satellite measurements data on the ascending over the Black Sea radiance obtained by the ocean color scanners MODIS-Aqua/Terra and VIIRS-SNPP. The analysis basis consists of the in situ measurements carried out at the AERONET and AERONET-OC stations synchronously with the satellite ones.

Joint analysis of simultaneous field and satellite measurement data reveals the problems in correct description of basic optical parameters of the Black Sea aerosol when the aerosol models are applied for standard atmospheric correction. A «compensation» effect (i.e. negative slope of the difference relation within AOD and Å for in situ and satellite data) is demonstrated, and its influence upon quality of standard atmospheric correction is assessed. It is shown that for the current version of atmospheric correction, the absolute nLw values turn out to be understated as compared to the in situ measurements. The result closer to the in situ data can be obtained by normalizing the satellite-derived nLw spectrum on its value in the 490 nm band.


AERONET, ocean color scanners, quality of atmospheric correction, the Black Sea

For citation

Suslin, V.V., Slabakova, V.K., Kalinskaya, D.V., Pryakhina, S.F. and Golovko, N.I., 2016. Optical Features of the Black Sea Aerosol and the Sea Water Upper Layer Based on In Situ and Satellite Measurements. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 20-32. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-1-20-32




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