Blue Bay as a Sub-Satellite Ground for Evaluating Hydrochemical Characteristics in the Shelf Areas of the Crimea

S.I. Kondratev, A.V. Varenik, Yu.L. Vnukov, K.I. Gurov, O.N. Kozlovskaya, E.A. Kotelianets, E.V. Medvedev, N.A. Orekhova, S.V. Svishchev, D.S. Khoruzhiy, S.K. Konovalov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Assessment of state and quality of the sea and ocean surface layer waters resulted from binding the data from satellite images and the results of the simultaneously done in situ measurements is the actual direction of modern complex oceanological studies. Further development of this direction the immediate task of which consists in defining hydrochemical composition of water based on satellite data requires selecting the regions in the Black Sea where in situ measurements of water hydrochemical characteristics can be carried out simultaneously with satellite monitoring of the surface water state. The results of analysis of the hydrochemical characteristics’ (main elements of nutrient and carbon cycles) spatial distribution in the Blue Bay waters based on the data of the expeditionary research carried out by Marine Hydrophysical Institute in 2002–2014 are represented. It is shown that this region and the stationary oceanographic platform (SOP) located in its southwestern part constitute a convenient ground for synchronous remote and sub-satellite studies of natural oceanological processes and impact of the coastal anthropogenic pollution sources. The data on hydrochemical characteristics of surface water in the SOP region can be used to study background state of the coastal marine environment as well as influence of intense natural processes (storms and (or) upwellings) upon formation and evolution of hydrochemical and optical structure of surface waters, surface water and atmosphere gas exchange, effect of physical, chemical and biological processes on the sea water quality. Influence of two coastal sources of anthropogenic pollution upon the Blue Bay marine environment was studied using synchronous remote and sub-satellite measure-ments; the results of these investigations provide additional opportunities for developing and certifying the methods of remote study and monitoring of the coastal marine environment state.


Blue Bay (Crimea), stationary oceanographic platform, remote study, sub-satellite ground, nutrients, elements of carbon cycle, field data of 2002 – 2014

For citation

Kondratev, S.I., Varenik, A.V., Vnukov, Yu.L., Gurov, K.I., Kozlovskaya, O.N., Kotelianets, E.A., Medvedev, E.V., Orekhova, N.A., Svishchev, S.V., Khoruzhiy, D.S. and Konovalov, S.K., 2016. Blue Bay as a Sub-Satellite Ground for Evaluating Hydrochemical Characteristics in the Shelf Areas of the Crimea. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 48-59. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-1-48-59




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