Research of Organic Carbon and Carbonate Content in the Bottom Sediments of the Crimean Southern Coast Shelf

E.I. Ovsyany, K.I. Gurov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Sediments on the Crimea southern coast shelf are studied within the Black Sea hygrophysical polygon in Katsiveli. Comparative analysis of the present sediments’ parameters in the Crimea shelf zone is done. Physical and chemical characteristics of the bottom sediments (particle-size distribution, humidity, organic carbon content, carbonate content) are studied. The peculiarities of the sedimentation process and the specific features of spatial structure of the bottom sediment fractional composition and the organic matter content are revealed. According to the results of the study it was found that bottom sediments at the testing ground under research are represented generally by silty sands with pebbles and coquina and, to a lesser extent, by aleurite-pelitic silts. Coastal zone sediments are composed of medium sands with the inclusions of shell material and limestone gravel. Seaward part of the testing ground has the aleurite-pelitic silts. The analysis of distribution features of fine bottom sediment fractions and С~org~ showed that a high content of organic carbon is characteristic of fine sediments, and it is evidenced by increased carbon concentrations in the seaward part of the water area. It is shown that the organic carbon content in the bottom sediments on the Crimea southern coast shelf does not exceed the background values. This fact indicates that the existing potential anthropogenic sources (of the Limensky Gulf) of organic carbon currently don’t have a significant effect on its accumulation in bottom sediments.

The areas of high carbonate concentrations coincide with the areas characterized by decreased content of fine fractions and organic carbon in the bottom sediments. Maximum values of carbonate content in Cape Kikineiz area are related to shell gravel accumulation..


bottom sediments, Limensky Gulf, Southern coast of Crimea, particle-size distribution, organic carbon, carbonate content

For citation

Ovsyany, E.I. and Gurov, K.I., 2016. Research of Organic Carbon and Carbonate Content in the Bottom Sediments of the Crimean Southern Coast Shelf. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 60-70. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-1-60-70




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