Effect of Heat Flow, Precipitation and Evaporation on the Dynamics of the Marmara Sea Surface Waters

S.G. Demyshev, S.V. Dovgaya, M.V. Shokurov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

e-mail: demyshev@gmail.ru


Dynamics of the Marmara Sea surface waters is investigated based on the high spatial resolution hydrodynamic model taking into account the atmospheric effect and the exchange through the straits of Bosporus and Dardanelles. The meteorological fields for 2008, obtained according to the calculation data of the MM5 regional atmospheric model are daily set on the sea surface. The features of seawater circulation induced by the heat flow, precipitation and evaporation above the surface of the basin are considered. Results of the numerical experiment are given being compared to the computation which takes into account only the wind forcing with zero heat flow, precipitation and evaporation on the sea surface. It is obtained that in winter under the negative surface density of the heat flow with intense evaporation in the southeastern sea part and precipitation over the northern one the conditions for the increase of gradient in the density field across the water current from the Bosporus to the Dardanelles are formed.

It is revealed that the conditions for generating a cyclonic eddy in the southeastern part of the basin and an anticyclonic one – in its northern part are formed in winter. In spring, at positive surface density of the heat flow and absence of precipitation and evaporation, the area of the central anticyclone increases. In autumn, when cold air masses intrude and the sea surface layer waters are still rather warm, a cyclonic vortex is formed in the southeastern part of the basin. Considerable effect of the atmospheric flows on the sea water dynamics is observed to 10 – 40 m depth.


hydrophysical model, the Marmara Sea, circulation, anticyclone, cyclone, hydrophysical fields

For citation

Demyshev, S.G., Dovgaya, S.V. and Shokurov, M.V., 2016. Effect of Heat Flow, Precipitation and Evaporation on the Dynamics of the Marmara Sea Surface Waters. Physical Oceanography, (3), pp. 3-13. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-3-3-13




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