On Influence of Current Variability in the Deep Black Sea upon Water Dynamics of Narrow North Caucasian Continental Shelf

A.G. Zatsepin1, ✉, D.N. Elkin1, A.O. Korzh2, S.B. Kuklev3, O.I. Podymov3, A.G. Ostrovskii1, D.M. Soloviev4

1 P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2 Atlantic Branch of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kaliningrad, Russia

3 Southern Branch of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Gelendzhik, Russia

4 Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russia

e-mail: zatsepin@ocean.ru


The paper presents the results of research of the actual problem – influence of current variability in the deep Black Sea upon water dynamics of narrow North Caucasian continental shelf. Mechanism of sub-mesoscale eddy formation on the narrow shelf under the influence of dynamics variability of the adjacent Black Sea deep part is proposed. It is based on the in situ measurement data, satellite information analysis and the results of laboratory modeling.

The diameter of these eddies, both cyclonic and anticyclonic, is comparable to the width of the shelf (6–10 km in Gelendzhik area of the Black Sea). The absolute value of their angular rotation velocity exceeds the Coriolis parameter (absolute value of the Rossbi number |Ro|> 1), and their radius is less than the baroclinic Rossby deformation radius on the shelf. Presumably, these eddies have a significant effect on the ecology of shelf waters, affecting their ventilation, cross-shelf and vertical exchange, as well as kinetic energy dissipation of mesoscale and large-scale currents. It is shown that when the Rim Current is pressed against the continental slope, sub-mesoscale anticyclones are mainly formed on the shelf, and when a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy, or the Black Sea Rim Current meander, is present above the continental slope, it results in a series of sub-mesoscale cyclones. Considering that the characteristic period of oscillations of the general direction of the longshore current, caused by the Rim Current meandering, is about 10 days, it can be assumed that mainly anticyclones should be observed on the shelf during one half of the period and cyclones during the other half (anticyclonic meander, or mesoscale eddy).


North Caucasian shelf, sub-mesoscale processes, cross-shelf transport, the Black Sea

For citation

Zatsepin, A.G., Elkin, D.N., Korzh, A.O., Kuklev, S.B., Podymov, O.I., Ostrovskii, A.G. and Soloviev, D.M., 2016. On Influence of Current Variability in the Deep Black Sea upon Water Dynamics of Narrow North Caucasian Continental Shelf. Physical Oceanography, (3), pp. 14-22. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-3-14-22




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