Propagation of Tsunami-like Surface Long Waves in the Bays of a Variable Depth

A.Yu. Bazykina, S.F. Dotsenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Within the framework of the nonlinear long wave theory the regularities of solitary long wave propagation in the semi-closed bays of model and real geometry are numerically studied. In the present article the zones of wave amplification in the bay are found. The first one is located near the wave running-up on the beach (in front of the bay entrance) and the other one – in the middle part of the sea basin. Wave propagation in these zones is accompanied both by significant rise and considerable fall of the sea level. Narrowing of the bay entrance and increase of the entering wave length result in decrease of the sea level maximum rises and falls. The Feodosiya Gulf in the Black Sea is considered as a real basin. In general the dynamics of the waves in the gulf is similar to wave dynamics in the model bay. Four zones of the strongest wave amplification in the Feodosiya Gulf are revealed in the article. The sea level maximum rises and extreme falls which tend to grow with decrease of the entering wave length are observed in these zones. The distance traveled by the wave before the collapse (due to non-linear effects), was found to reduce with decreasing wavelength of the entrance to the bay (gulf).


nonlinear long waves, quadratic bottom friction, wave propagation in the bays, bays of model geometry, the Feodosiya Gulf, numerical solutions

For citation

Bazykina, A.Yu. and Dotsenko, S.F., 2016. Propagation of Tsunami-like Surface Long Waves in the Bays of a Variable Depth. Physical Oceanography, (4), pp. 3-11. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-4-3-11




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