Quality Сontrol of the Atmospheric Forcing Data in the Operational System of the Black Sea Marine Forecasting Center

Yu.B. Ratner, M.V. Ivanchik, A.M. Ivanchik, A.L. Kholod

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

e-mail: yubrat@gmail.com


Problems of reliability control of the atmospheric forcing data used for setting boundary conditions in the model simulations performed in the Black Sea marine forecasting center (BS MFC) of MHI (RAS) are considered. To set the boundary conditions on the sea surface it is necessary to have information about the heat, momentum, evaporation and precipitation total fluxes and short-wave radiation penetrating in the upper sea layer with a thickness of about fifty meters. To check the reliability of the data obtained the information not only about these fluxes, but also about their components appears to be of high value. The first section describes the weather forecasts applied in BS MFC for the atmospheric boundary layer. The methods for controlling the weather forecast reliability of the atmosphere boundary layer are considered. The software developed to solve this task is briefly described in the second section. The first group of control methods is based on the calculation according to the approximate formulas short-wave and long-wave radiation fluxes. For other components of total fluxes their comparison according to the forecast data of two atmospheric models used in BSMFC to set the boundary conditions on the sea surface is used. The third section contains the examples of the errors occurring in preparing the weather forecast data. Errors in the data on the magnitude of the albedo and upward short-wave radiation fluxes were discovered on the basis of the application of the developed methods. The conclusions drawn from the results obtained testify to effectiveness of the system developed to control data reliability. Further investigations are planned. It is noted that the results represented in the paper constitutes a basis for development of the software intended to correct the revealed errors.


marine forecasts, atmospheric forcing, boundary conditions, heat flows, evaporation, precipitation, long-wave radiation, short-wave radiation, albedo, Stefan – Boltzmann constant, reliability

For citation

Ratner, Yu.B., Ivanchik, M.V., Ivanchik, A.M. and Kholod, A.L., 2016. Quality Сontrol of the Atmospheric Forcing Data in the Operational System of the Black Sea Marine Forecasting Center. Physical Oceanography, (5), pp. 24-35. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-5-24-35




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