The Study of Sensitivity of the Black Sea Hydrophysical Fields Reanalysis Results to the Applied Atmospheric Forcing

L.I. Sukhikh, V.L. Dorofeyev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The results of two reanalyzes of the Black Sea hydrophysical fields based on the remote sensing data (2000–2012) assimilation are compared. The simulations are carried out using different arrays of the atmospheric fields, namely ERA-Interim and ММ5.

It is shown that the results of both computations are quite close due to significant impact of the assimilated data. At the same time, there are some differences in the temperature, salinity and current fields. In particular, it is shown that temperature difference in the subsurface layer of the Black Sea is caused by the corresponding difference of the heat fluxes on the free sea surface in the atmospheric data. At that, salinity difference in the subsurface layer is to a greater extent determined by the difference of the wind stress vorticity than by the fresh water fluxes through the sea surface. It is shown that the currents simulated using the _MM_5 atmospheric data are more intensive, especially for the time scales shorter than a month. It is stipulated by a better spatial-temporal resolution of the _MM_5 fields. This difference in the current intensity is mainly due to the wind stress field. In both calculations the basic contribution to the vertical circulation cell formation in the Black Sea upper layer is done by wind forcing.


reanalysis, the Black Sea dynamics, numerical modeling, data assimilation, remote sensing

For citation

Sukhikh, L.I. and Dorofeyev, V.L., 2016. The Study of Sensitivity of the Black Sea Hydrophysical Fields Reanalysis Results to the Applied Atmospheric Forcing. Physical Oceanography, (5), pp. 45-60. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-5-45-60




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