Improvement of the Method for Reconstructing the Temperature and Salinity Three-Dimensional Fields of the Black Sea Based on Insufficient Measurements and Altimetry

V.V. Knysh, P.N. Lishaev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The article represents the results of two special numerical experiments aimed at improving the previously proposed procedure of reconstructing salinity and temperature three-dimensional fields based on the altimetry data and the insufficient measurements performed at the stations and the Argo buoys in 2012. In the Experiment 1, the monthly average coefficients of sea level linear dependence and depths where the salinity values of the “zero” gradation altimetry level profile lie within the salinity profiles of positive and negative gradations are applied. The procedure for calculating the daily average coefficients of the depth linear trends is realized in the Experiment 2. It is shown that the thermohaline fields reconstructed in the Experiment 2 for the deepwater area are more accurate; on the horizons of the 100–500 m layer their values range smoothly from one day to another. The Black Sea hydrophysical fields are reconstructed by assimilation in the model of three-dimensional thermohaline parameters in the reanalysis for 2012. It is revealed that, as compared to the observations on the overwhelming majority of horizons in the 0–500 m layer (the Experiment 2), the standard root-mean-square deviations of temperature and salinity are lower than those in Experiment 1. The root of the measured salinity field dispersion exceeds the standard deviations on all the horizons within 0–500 m, inclusive. Application of the daily average coefficients of the linear trends for reconstructing three-dimensional fields of temperature and salinity, and their subsequent assimilation in the model is preferable. It is revealed that the model of the upper 0–100 m layer thermodynamics requires improvement.


altimetry, Argo buoys, reconstruction procedure, coefficients of trends, three-dimensional fields, reanalysis

For citation

Knysh, V.V. and Lishaev, P.N., 2016. Improvement of the Method for Reconstructing the Temperature and Salinity Three-Dimensional Fields of the Black Sea Based on Insufficient Measurements and Altimetry. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 3-14. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-6-3-14




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