Technical Tools for Studying Structure and Dynamics of Water Masses

V.Z. Dykman

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The article gives a review of the technical tools designed to study structure and dynamics of water masses in the surface, bottom and deep-water sea layers, where the acting processes are not connected with wind waves. The process of adapting the measuring equipment to the requirements resulting from the expanding notions on physics of the marine environment phenomena is shown. Almost all the major designs are patented in the USSR, Ukraine and Russia. The experience in the development of different instruments enable adequately respond to the need for new methods and technical means intended for the organization of operational observations of the marine environment and land and sea interface zone. CTD-system experimental samples having a high degree of miniaturization and extremely low power consumption have already been created. They possess the necessary metrological characteristics and are intended for use in the drifters and lost (disposable) probes. According to its metrological and operating characteristics, the autonomous electromagnetic current meter is able to provide reliable data in a variety of conditions (including collapse area of wind waves) both being installed on a fixed base and hung on buoy stations. For wide manufacture of the new measurement tools it is necessary to create a complete set of design documentation on the basis of existing sketches, as well as to find the production base, equipped with machine tools of the corresponding class.


measuring instruments, turbulence, fine structure, current, bed load

For citation

Dykman, V.Z., 2016. Technical Tools for Studying Structure and Dynamics of Water Masses. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 43-55. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2016-6-43-55




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