Parameters of the Azov-Black Sea Region Precipitation Based on the Model and Observational Data

D.A. Iarovaia, V.L. Pososhkov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The results of precipitation simulation in the Azov-Black Sea region are verified using the observational data from the meteorological stations of the North Eurasia Climate Centre. In particular, the results of global (MERRA) and regional (PRECIS and RegCM) reanalyses are considered. Verification is done in accordance to two criteria: “index of agreement” and “probability of detection”. Reliability of the precipitation basic parameters (intensity and frequency) is assessed; the modeled and the measured distribution functions of daily precipitation are compared. It is shown that in all the reanalyses the results of the winter precipitation modeling are in better agreement with the observational data than those resulted from the summer precipitation modeling. In summer, according to certain parameters, the regional reanalyses are in better agreement with the observational data than the global reanalysis. Particular attention is paid to the data obtained at the meteorological station located in the region of complex orography and intensive precipitation (Sochi). It is shown that the winter precipitation in Sochi derived from the regional reanalyses is significantly overestimated, especially as for the extreme precipitation.


precipitation reanalysis, precipitation in the Azov-Black Sea region, reanalysis verificati-on, regional modeling, distribution function

For citation

Iarovaia, D.A. and Pososhkov, V.L., 2017. Parameters of the Azov-Black Sea Region Precipitation Based on the Model and Observational Data. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 11-24. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-1-11-24




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