Identification of the Parameters of the Instantaneous Point Pollution Source in the Azov Sea Based on the Adjoint Method

V.S. Kochergin, S.V. Kochergin

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The passive admixture transport model in the Azov Sea is considered. The problem of cartelistic impulse local source identification at the sea surface based on adjoint method is solving by integration of independent series of adjoint tasks. Simultaneous solution of this problem at the parallel mode is realized by the aforementioned approach. The efficiency of the algorithm optimal value power of source search agreed with the data measurements is shown in the test example. The measurement data assimilation algorithm in the passive admixture transfer model is implemented applying variational methods of filtration for optimal estimate retrieval. The retrieval is carried out by means of the method of adjoint equations and solving of linear systems. On the basis of the variational filtration method of data assimilation, the optimal estimate retrieval algorithm for pollution source power identification is constructed. In application of the algorithm, the integration of the main, linked and adjoint problems is implemented. Integration problems are solved using TVD approximations. For the application of the procedure, the Azov current fields and turbulent diffusion coefficients are obtained using the sigma coordinate ocean model (POM) under the eastern wind stress conditions being dominant at the observed time period. Furthermore, the results can be used to perform numerical data assimilation on loads of suspended matter.


power source identification, concentration field, assimilation of measurement data, admixture transport, adjoint problem, the Azov Sea

For citation

Kochergin, V.S. and Kochergin, S.V., 2017. Identification of the Parameters of the Instantaneous Point Pollution Source in the Azov Sea Based on the Adjoint Method. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 62-67. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-1-62-67




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