Database of the Operational Drifter Observations in the Arctic Region

T.M. Bayankina, S.R. Litvinenko, M.V. Kryl’, N.Yu. Yurkevich

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The database (formed in MHI) for 22 drifters deployed in the Arctic region in 2012 – 2016 is represented. The most intensive drifter observations were performed in the Beaufort Sea (the Canada Basin) and in the Central Arctic.

According to the data of temperature-profiling drifters, ∼ 2 million temperature profiles (including the ones acquired under the ice formations) and ∼ 120.000 atmospheric pressure measurements were obtained. Total life time of drifters as at August 2016 exceeded 7000 days. General information and technical characteristics of BTC60/GPS/ice/1ps, BTC60/GPS/ice/3ps, SVP-BTC80/GPS temperature-profiling drifters are given. Features of drifter information primary preparation are enumerated and the technique of database quality assessment is shown. The studies have shown that temperature-profiling data provides the assessment of the ice thickness and its spatial-temporal variability in the region. The results of the experiments carried out in the Arctic reveal the fact that autonomous temperature-profiling “ice” drifters are an effective instrument for studying the Arctic region. According to the results of the experiments carried out in the Arctic and verification of data quality in the formed database, the drifters showed the reliability of operational characteristics. This is confirmed by failure-free operation of IMEI 245950/WMO 48541 drifter which had been performed the measurements during 1.083 days.

The obtained unique long-term series of systematic operational data can be applied for clarifying the concepts of thermal processes variability in the upper ocean layer (including the under-ice one), the dynamics of ice fields and air pressure fields in a wide range of spatial-temporal scales as well as for refining the concept of interaction processes in the Atmosphere – Ice – Ocean system.


temperature-profiling drifter, thermo-line, water/ice temperature, temperature profile, ocean upper layer

For citation

Bayankina, T.M., Litvinenko, S.R., Kryl’, M.V. and Yurkevich, N.Yu., 2017. Database of the Operational Drifter Observations in the Arctic Region. Physical Oceanography, (2), pp. 65-74. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-2-65-74




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