Calculation and Analysis of Water Circulation Energetics in the Black Sea Coastal Regions

S.G. Demyshev, O.A. Dymova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The paper presents the analysis results of the kinetic and potential energy budget components calculated using eddy-resolving model of Marine Hydrophysical Institute. Numerical experiments were carried out with 1.6 km spatial resolution allowing for real atmospheric forcing in 2006. Temporal-spatial variability of terms in energy budget equations was considered for the annual-averaged and seasonal-averaged time scales in the certain sea regions. The analysis of the maps of vertically-averaged energetic components showed that, on average, over 2006 the most intensive energy exchange occurred along the western coast, in the southeast, near the Crimean and Anatolian coasts and in the RIM Current zone. It is revealed that the most energy-significant budget components are the buoyancy force in the northern and northeastern parts of the Black Sea, the wind force in its southern part, and the pressure and friction forces above the continental slope in the RIM Current zone. It was determined that the structure of currents in the northwestern shelf region in the cold period was determined by wind fields. In the warm period the generation of intensive eddies was observed due to an increase of available potential energy store. Formation of mesoscale eddies near the Crimean and the North Caucasus coasts occurred mainly in the spring-summer season as result of baroclinic instability. The basic factor conditioning mesoscale dynamics along the southern and the southeastern Black Sea coast in all the seasons and at a weak wind is the influence of the coastal obstacles upon the RIM Current periphery. The RIM Current region was the energy sink zone due to intensive horizontal dissipative and diffusion processes.


the Black Sea, numerical modeling, kinetic energy, potential energy, mesoscale eddies

For citation

Demyshev, S.G. and Dymova, O.A., 2017. Calculation and Analysis of Water Circulation Energetics in the Black Sea Coastal Regions. Physical Oceanography, (3), pp. 45-57. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-3-45-57




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