Hydrocarbons in the suspended matter and the bottom sediments in different regions of the Black Sea Russian sector

I. A. Nemirovskaya, V. D. Onegina, B. V. Konovalov

P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

e-mail: nemir@ocean.ru


Content and composition of hydrocarbons (mainly the aliphatic ones) in the suspended matter and the bottom sediments in the Gelendzhik Bay, the Big Sochi water area, the Feodosiya Bay and the Black Sea central part are defined and compared with the total organic carbon and chlorophyll a contents. It is shown that the aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations exceeding the background ones are found only in the coastal zone. Advancing to the pelagic zone is accompanied by sharp decrease of their concentrations.

Petroleum and pyrogenic hydrocarbons are mainly manifested in the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons composition. Influence of construction of the Olympic facilities upon distribution of hydrocarbons in the Big Sochi water area was of short duration, and already by 2015 the aliphatic hydrocarbons concentration decreased, on the average, up to 24 µg/l in the surface waters, and up to 18 µg/g – in the bottom sediments.

Accumulation of hydrocarbons took place in bottom sediments, where their concentrations exceeded the background ones in terms of dry weight. In the Gelendzhik Bay, their content reached 252 μg/g, and in the composition of organic carbon (Corg) > 1 %, which may indicate the contamination of sediments with oil products. In the Feodosiya Bay their part in the composition of Corg did not exceed 0.73 % and was 0.35 % on average.

Natural alkanes dominated in the composition of aliphatic hydrocarbons. The bottom sediments are characterized by the predominance of odd high-molecular terrigenous alkanes.

The content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the studied sediments was rather low: up to 31 ng/g in the Gelendzhik Bay, up to 348 ng/g in the Feodosiya Bay. These concentrations according to the EPA classification are considered background, or minor petroleum hydrocarbons increase the level of aliphatic hydrocarbons in water and sediments, thus creating a modern hydrocarbon background.


aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, alkanes, suspended matter, bottom sediments, oil pollution

For citation

Nemirovskaya, I.A., Onegina, V.D. and Konovalov, B.V., 2017. Hydrocarbons in the suspended matter and the bottom sediments in different regions of the Black Sea Russian sector. Physical Oceanography, (4), pp. 46-58. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-4-46-58




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