Normal-to-coast transfer of coarse suspension in a surf area: modeling and assessments based on the measurements by the instrumental complex “Donnaya stantsiya”

V. Z. Dykman, O. I. Efremov, M. S. Volikov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The present paper represents the conceptual model of normal-to-coast transfer of the coarse suspension for the waves of frontal direction. The given model is developed based on the data obtained applying by the measurement complex “Donnaya stantsiya” during the expedition in late August – early September 2010 during washing out of the Bakal spit narrow part. Anisotropy of the current velocity wave component results in dependence of integral transfer of the coarse near-bottom suspension upon the period of waves. In the surf area, when these periods exceed the critical value 2.6 s the suspension washing out is observed; if the periods are shorter accumulation takes place. The west wind velocity corresponding to the critical period makes 4.7 m/s. Under such a wind, there is no total normal-to-coast transfer of the coarse suspension. The variant of the model developed is proposed to be applied to the situation on Tuzla Island, as there is a certain similarity of the dramatic events on the Bakal Spit and Tuzla Spit in the Kerch Strait. As is known, before 1925 it existed as a single whole with the Taman Peninsula. So, the considered phenomenon is of great importance in connection with the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait on the basis the Tuzla Island.


measurement complex “Donnaya Stantsiya”, surf area, near-bottom turbulence, coast washing out

For citation

Dykman, V.Z., Efremov, O.I. and Volikov, M.S., 2017. Normal-to-coast transfer of coarse suspension in a surf area: modeling and assessments based on the measurements by the instrumental complex “Donnaya stantsiya”. Physical Oceanography, (4), pp. 66-78. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-4-66-78




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