Thermal Evolution of the Sea Ice in the Taman Bay and the Dinskoy Gulf

A. E. Bukatov, D. D. Zavyalov, T. A. Solomakha

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Seasonal evolution of the ice cover thermodynamic processes in the Taman Bay and the Dinskoy Gulf in winter, 2007–2008 is studied based on the one-dimensional thermodynamic sea ice model adapted to the physical and geographical conditions of the Kerch Strait. Model approximation of the thermodynamic processes in the ice-sea system permits to predict thickness and dates of formation, melting and complete destruction of sea ice in the bays. Dependence of regional variability of the ice thickness upon the hydrometeorological factors is analyzed. It is shown that, depending on the type of the atmospheric processes, the sea ice thickness in the Taman Bay can grow both zonally – from the west to the east (intensive ice growth is observed in the first and the second decades of January) and meridionally – from the south to the north (the repeated ice formation in the first and the second decades of February). In case of ultra-polar intrusion of cold air masses, the ice cover over the entire water area of the bay is formed in course of about 2–3 days. During the melting period the decrease of sea ice thickness can reach 4 cm/day. Seawater salinity change conditioned by the growth of the sea ice thickness is quite noticeable in shallow-water regions of the Dinskoy Gulf, along the eastern coast of the Chushka Spit and also in the northern and northeastern edges of the Taman Bay.


Taman Bay, Dinskoy Gulf, thermodynamics of sea ice, ice thickness distribution

For citation

Bukatov, A.E., Zavyalov, D.D. and Solomakha, T.A., 2017. Thermal Evolution of the Sea Ice in the Taman Bay and the Dinskoy Gulf. Physical Oceanography, (5), pp. 19-30. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-5-19-30




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