Formation of Vorticity of the Wind Speed Field in the Atmosphere over the Black Sea

V. V. Efimov, A. V. Yurovsky

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The spatial structure of the wind speed field vorticity in the Black Sea region over 1979–2013 period for January and July is considered. The data of high resolution regional reanalysis of the atmospheric circulation, obtained using the RegCM4 numerical model with input data of ERA-Interim reanalysis, were used. It is shown that in the western part of the sea the annual course of vorticity is determined by the monsoon mechanism which depends on the temperature contrasts between the sea and the surrounding land. In the eastern part of the sea cyclonic wind vorticity, determined by the contribution of the high mountains surrounding the sea, retains during a year. The variation of the wind speed vorticity by a height over the eastern and western parts of the sea is analyzed. It is concluded that the cyclonic vorticity in the main part of the troposphere is associated with global features of the atmospheric circulation as well as passing cyclones and anticyclones. In the lower part of the troposphere the vorticity is the result of the effect of both the monsoon mechanism and coastal orography. The contributions of the global and regional factors forming the wind speed field vorticity in the atmosphere surface layer are estimated.


wind speed field vorticity, cyclone, anticyclone, monsoon mechanism, Black Sea

For citation

Efimov, V.V. and Yurovsky, A.V., 2017. Formation of Vorticity of the Wind Speed Field in the Atmosphere over the Black Sea. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 3-11. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-6-3-11




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