Wind Stress Curl over the Black Sea under Different Wind Regimes

M. V. Shokurov, I. G. Shokurova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Dependence of the magnitude and spatial distribution of wind stress curl in the Black Sea on the direction of the airflow prevailing over the sea surface are analyzed based on the data set of wind at 10 m height ERA-Interim reanalysis of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for the period 1979–2015 with a spatial resolution of 0.75º × 0.75º and a temporal resolution of 6 h. It is revealed that the average sea wind stress curl is cyclonic at the time of the north-western, northern and north-eastern winds throughout the year, and anticyclonic – during the south-western and western winds. On average, the north-eastern and northern winds are the most frequent for the year, the lowest – the southern and south-eastern winds. Taking into account the frequency of the wind, the greatest contribution to the creation of cyclonic wind stress curl are made by the situations with the northeastern wind, anticyclonic – with the western wind. Change of wind direction is accompanied by a change in the position of areas with cyclonic and anticyclonic vorticity. As a result, the wind of each direction creates a field of wind stress curl with its characteristic features that do not depend on the season. The manifestation of these features in the fields of seasonal cycle depends on the frequency of the winds direction.


the Black Sea, wind direction, frequency of the wind direction, wind stress curl

For citation

Shokurov, M.V. and Shokurova, I.G., 2017. Wind Stress Curl over the Black Sea under Different Wind Regimes. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 12-23. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-6-12-23




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