Numerical Research of the Pollution Surface and Deep-Sea Evolution in the Sea of Azov Using Satellite Observation Data

T. Ya. Shul’ga, V. V. Suslin, R. R. Stanichnaya

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Numerical hydrodynamic modeling of the Sea of Azov is done for 2013–2014 on basis of the Princeton Ocean Model at presetting of real atmospheric impact (the SKIRON model). The hydrodynamic model was applied in numerical studies to analyze the evolution of pollution on the basis of transport and diffusion equation solution. Level-2 data from MODIS at satellite Aqua with 1 km spatial resolution were used in the work. The following parameters were calculated according to satellite data: the ratio of normalized brightness of the light coming from under the water surface in two 531 and 488 nm spectral channels and light backscattering coefficient by the of the suspension particles at 555 nm wavelength. These data determine the presence of suspended matter (mineral suspended matter from river discharges or rising from the bottom as a result of a strong wind), and suspended matter of biological origin (coccolithophorides bloom). New model algorithms are applied to analyze the consistency of data obtained by remote sensing of the sea surface from space modeling solutions and their combinations. The paper discusses methods of sharing information, assessment of model forecast quality depending on the intervals between satellite data assimilation. It is shown that a serial scheme of data assimilation improves the pollution forecast by the model, even when the satellite images are not stable.


Sea of Azov, evolution of passive admixture, remote observations, numerical modeling, comparative analysis of satellite and model data

For citation

Shul’ga, T.Ya., Suslin, V.V. and Stanichnaya, R.R., 2017. Numerical Research of the Pollution Surface and Deep-Sea Evolution in the Sea of Azov Using Satellite Observation Data. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 36-46. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-6-36-46




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