Adaptive Model for Controlling the Pollutants’ Runoff to the sea Based on the Criteria of the Production Economic Efficiency and the Marine Environment Bio-diversity

I. E. Timchenko, E. M. Igumnova, I. K. Ivashchenko

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The model of the “coast – sea” ecological-economic system, in which rational balance between the economic profits resulted from the production waste disposal and maintaining the marine environment ecological state is based on managing the system according to two criteria: the economic efficiency and the biological diversity index in the marine environment, is proposed. The balance equations of the method of adaptive balance of causes with the locally acting management agents are used for the economic and environmental subsystems “coast” and “sea”, respectively. A new method for assessing the normalized coefficients of influences calculated based on the ratios of the average values of the system variables is applied in the model equations. Influence of variations of temperature in the sea upper layer, the surface wind speed module and the chlorophyll-a concentration upon the ecological-economic processes is studied based on tracing the pollution accumulation-assimilation balance in the marine environment. The results of managing the economic efficiency and the level of the marine environment bio-diversity in the mode of purifying the coastal runoff of pollution are represented. It is shown that effectiveness of managing the polluting coastal runoff is conditioned not only by penalties, but also by intensity of the pollutants’ biochemical decomposition processes and by the marine environment thermodynamic characteristics.


adaptive model, ecological-economic system, production profitability management, balance of pollution accumulation and assimilation in the sea

For citation

Timchenko, I.E., Igumnova, E.M. and Ivashchenko, I. K., 2017. Adaptive Model for Controlling the Pollutants’ Runoff to the sea Based on the Criteria of the Production Economic Efficiency and the Marine Environment Bio-diversity. Physical Oceanography, (6), pp. 70-82. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2017-6-70-82




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