Comparison of the Secondary Products Obtained by the Optical Sensor Installed at the Satellite “Resurs-P” with the Products of the Analogous Optical Sensors

S. V. Fedorov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Characteristics of the wide-swath multi-spectral equipment with high-resolution (WSME-HR) installed at the Russian Resurs-P type satellites are represented. The possibility of applying the data obtained by this sensor for solving the satellite hydrophysics problems is considered. The chlorophyll a concentration and the normalized water-leaving radiance calculated by the Earth operational monitoring scientific center JSC Russian Space Systems are compared with the similar products of the foreign optical sensors MODIS (Aqua and Terra) and OLI (Landsat-8). Being analyzed, the normalized water-leaving radiance spectra show the values retrieved from the WSME-HR data to be about two times higher in the red spectral range and by 15–20 % smaller in the green spectral range than the analogous ones resulted from the foreign sensors; whereas in the blue spectral range they do not reproduce both their typical maximum on the 488 nm wavelength and their decrease accompanying the dissolved colored organic matter absorption at the 412 and 443 nm. The chlorophyll a concentration values derived from the data of all the sensors are comparable with each other. This fact is explained by minimum differences between the values of the normalized water-leaving radiance at the 488 and 555 nm applied for calculating the chlorophyll a concentration.


optical multi-spectral sensor, chlorophyll-a concentration, normalized water-leaving radiance, WSME-HR, Resurs-P, MODIS, OLI


The work was carried out within the framework of the State Order No. 0827-2014-0011 Research of the Regularities of Changes in the Condition of the Marine Environment on the Basis of Operational Observations and Data of the System of Diagnosis, Prognosis and Reanalysis of the Condition of Marine Areas (R&D 115061510036).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © S. V. Fedorov, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 1, pp. 29–39 (2018)

For citation

Fedorov, S.V., 2018. Comparison of the Secondary Products Obtained by the Optical Sensor Installed at the Satellite “Resurs-P” with the Products of the Analogous Optical Sensors. Physical Oceanography, (1), pp. 27-35. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-1-27-35




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