Water Balance in the Sivash Bay as a Result of Variability of the Natural-Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors

E. Е. Sovga, E. S. Eryemina, T. V. Khmara

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

e-mail: esovga@mhi-ras.ru


Dynamics of the Sivash Bay (the Sea of Azov) water balance under the conditions of varying natural and climatic (precipitation, water exchange with the Sea of Azov, river flow and evaporation), and anthropogenic factors (overlap of the North-Crimean Canal in 2014 and change of nature management) is studied. The basic water balance components in the Sivash Bay are assessed for three periods: the first one (1939–1971) – before the North-Crimean Canal was put into operation (conditionally natural mode of the Sivash Bay waters) – is studied using historical data; the second one (1972–2013) – during active exploitation of the canal under various functioning regimes of the irrigation systems, and the third period (2014–2016) – after the Canal was overlapped – are studied using the in situ data obtained by Marine Hydrophysical Institute and allowing for the modified natural and climatic factors. Intensity of water exchange between the Sivash Bay and the Sea of Azov after the canal was overlapped and the Sivash or the Azov currents became predominant is assessed using the calculation of the water level variations in the indicated areas and taking into account the wind conditions in summer, 2014. It is shown that the eastern winds promote intensification of the Azov water inflow to the Sivash Bay, hence, increasing salinity of its waters.

Thus, overlap of the North-Crimean Canal in 2014 makes for a complete reconstruction of the hydrological water regime in the bay and its gradual transition to the conditionally natural state.


Sivash Bay, river runoff, atmospheric precipitation, water balance, salinity, North-Crimean Canal, the Henichesk Strait, water exchange with the Sea of Azov, water level


The work was carried out within the framework of the state order on the topic No. 0827-2014-0011 "Studies of the regularities of the marine environment condition changes on the basis of operational observations and data from the system of now cast, prognosis and reanalysis of the state of marine areas" ("Operational Oceanography" code), and with partial support of RFBR, grant No. 16-05-00621.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © E. Е. Sovga, E. S. Eryemina, T. V. Khmara, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 1, pp. 71–81 (2018)

For citation

Sovga, E.Е., Eryemina, E.S. and Khmara, T.V., 2018. Water Balance in the Sivash Bay as a Result of Variability of the Natural-Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors. Physical Oceanography, 25(1), pp. 67-76. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-1-67-76




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