Wave Climate of the Coastal Zone of the Crimean Peninsula

B. V. Divinsky, R. D. Kosyan

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

e-mail: divin@ocean.ru


The main goal of the present paper is to assess climatic features of the wind wave and swell distribution in the coastal zone of the Crimean Peninsula. Method of research is the mathematical modeling. The modern spectral wave model DHI MIKE 21 SW is used. The model was preliminary calibrated for the purpose of correct dividing the mixed surface waves into the components corresponding to pure wind waves and swell. The basic calibration parameters are the coefficients conditioning numerical interpretation of the energy dissipation processes resulting from white-capping (wave breaks in deep water). The research has resulted in creating a database of integral parameters of the wind waves and swell in the Black Sea for 1979–2016 with the 1-hour time resolution. The features of spatial distribution of the wind wave and swell powers, and also some statistical characteristics of wave variability are analyzed for the sea areas adjacent to the Crimean coast. It is shown that the swell contribution to the total wave energy of the surface waves increases from the western coast of the Crimea Peninsula towards the eastern one. Nearby the western coast, the swell contribution (in the average annual balance) constitutes about 15%, whereas nearby the southeastern one it exceeds 30%.


mathematical modeling, DHI MIKE 21 SW model, wind waves, swell, climate


Statement of the task was carried out within the framework of the program 0149-2018-0013, the experimental data analysis – owing to the RSF financial support (Project No. 14-17-00547), mathematical simulation and computational part – with the support of RFBR grants (Projects No. 16-45-230781 and No. 17-05-00183).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © B. V. Divinsky, R. D. Kosyan, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 2, pp. 101–110 (2018)

For citation

Divinsky, B.V. and Kosyan, R.D., 2018. Wave Climate of the Coastal Zone of the Crimean Peninsula. Physical Oceanography, 25(2), pp. 93-101. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-2-93-101




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