Reproduction of Variability of the Black Sea Level and Pycnocline Characteristics Based on the Adaptive Statistics Method

P. N. Lishaev, V. V. Knysh, G. K. Korotaev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Retrospective analysis of the Black Sea hydrophysical fields (1993–2014) is carried out including assimilation of the three-dimensional fields of the temperature and salinity pseudo measurements reconstructed before in the model on the horizons within the layer 63–500 m by the adaptive statistics method. To compare root-mean-square deviations of the temperature and salinity fields from the observations, the reanalysis data (1993–2012) comprising assimilation of the temperature and salinity unperturbed profiles in the model are used. Variability of temperature and salinity (density) profiles in the main pycnocline is reproduced more accurately in the reanalysis for 1993–2014. Root-mean-square deviations of the sea level fields (resulted from the reanalysis for 1993–2014) from the altimetry ones in the first decade of seasonal and inter-annual variability are smaller than those (estimated in the same way) obtained from the reanalysis data for 1992–2015 in which the AVISO data and the sea surface temperature are assimilated. The root-mean-square deviations of the sea level increase in the second decade of the period. It is explained by the fact that decrease of the training set is accompanied by lowering of accuracy in reconstructing the fields of the temperature and salinity pseudo-measurements based on the altimetry and Argo buoys’ data. Synoptic variability of the sea currents’ fields in 1993–2014 is studied by analyzing the maps of the sea level integral dispersion. The values of sea level dispersion are found to be high on vast areas in the western and eastern parts of the basin. It is conditioned by generation and movement of the Sevastopol anticyclone, formation of synoptic vortices in the southwestern region of the western cyclonic water cycle, dynamics and evolution of the Caucasian anticyclonic vortices and the Batumi anticyclone. The local area to the northwest off Sinop is also noted.


reanalysis, pseudo measurements, adaptive statistics, RMS deviation, synoptic variability, integral dispersion


The investigation results represented in the section “Development of the method of joint assimilation of the Black Sea altimetry level and the limited measurement data of the Argo profiling floats” are obtained within the framework of the state task on the theme No. 0827-2014-0011 “Studies of regularities of the marine environment state changes based on the operational observations and the nowcast, forecast and reanalysis system data on the marine environment state” (code “Operational oceanography”). The rest of the investigation results sited in the paper are obtained at the RFBR financial support, grant No. 16-05-00621. The authors express their deep gratitude to V. L. Dorofeev for providing the data on the Black Sea level reconstructed based on reanalysis of the hydrophtsical fields for 1992 – 2015.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © P. N. Lishaev, V. V. Knysh, G. K. Korotaev, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 4, pp. 271–282 (2018)

For citation

Lishaev, P. N., Knysh, V. V. and Korotaev, G. K., 2018. Reproduction of variability of the Black Sea level and pycnocline characteristics based on the adaptive statistics method. Physical Oceanography, 25(4), pp. 251-261. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-4-251-261




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