Spatial and Temporal Parameters of the Trapped Waves in the Black Sea Shelf Areas

V. A. Ivanov, T. Ya. Shul’ga, T. V. Plastun, I. A. Svishcheva

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



The mechanism of generating barotropic long waves on the Black Sea Turkish coast is studied. Influence of the shelf shape and width upon the spatial-temporal parameters of the edge waves’ lower modes is noted based on solution of the complete boundary-value problem using the developed algorithms of the finite-difference approximation. To simulate the generated on the Anatolian coast waves induced by the climatic wind, the three-dimensional model (for the Black and Azov seas) of the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of RAS is used. Position of the wave attenuation points and maximums of the level oscillations’ amplitudes depending on the topography feature in the boundary area (the shelf and the continental slope zone) are studied. It is shown that the profile absolute maximum of the first mode wave is achieved at the coast and above the shelf edge. Increase of the continental slope width leads to slower decay of a wave towards the open sea. Convergence of the dispersion curves at high frequencies for various widths of the shelf is demonstrated. At the intermediate frequencies on the wide shelf, the dispersion curves are horizontal and their group velocity is close to zero. Having been studied, the spatial-temporal characteristics of the edge waves at real bottom profiles show that the waves with the longest periods arise in the region of the Ince Burnu that is due to manifestation of the zero mode of the trapped edge waves. The graphs of the dispersion curves and the maps of the amplitude functions of the shelf modes are constructed for the Anatolian coast. The model time series of the sea level are analyzed to calculate spectral density of the water level oscillations’ power at the coast using the fast Fourier transformation. The spectra of the level oscillations’ amplitudes for the shelf and deep sea stations of the Anatolian coast are represented.


Anatolian coast, Black Sea, phase velocity, shelf, barotropic trapped waves, continental slope, hydrodynamic modeling, spectral analysis


The authors express their thanks to Professor Aleksandr E. Yankovsky (former scientist of the Marine Hydrophysical Istitute and at present an employee at the University of South Carolina (Columbia, USA)) for his support of the present research and consultations in creating the applications for processing information on the intra-wave oscillations. The study is carried out within the framework of the state task on the theme No. 0827-2018-0004 “Complex interdisciplinary investigations of the oceanologic processes conditioning functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov seas’ coastal zones” (code “Coastal investigations”).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © The Authors, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 4, pp. 302–317 (2018)

For citation

Ivanov, V. A., Shul’ga, T. Ya., Plastun, T. V. and Svishcheva, I. A., 2018. Spatial and Temporal Parameters of the Trapped Waves in the Black Sea Shelf Areas. Physical Oceanography, 25(4), pp. 280-294. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-4-280-294




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