Estimating Specific Features of the Optical Property Variability in the Black Sea Waters Using the Data of SeaWiFS and MODIS Satellite Instruments

V. S. Suetin, S. N. Korolev

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Problem of quantitative interpretation of the Black Sea observations provided by the SeaWiFS and MODIS satellite instruments is considered in the terms of spectral dependencies of the seawater optically active components. For this purpose, the results of standard data (accumulated in the NASA archive) processed by the GIOP (Generalized ocean color inversion model for retrieving marine Inherent Optical Properties) complex method are analyzed. As these results often contain significant distortions related to the atmospheric disturbances, selection of reliable test data implies the following requirement: large cloudless areas of the sea should contain no sudden chaotic spatial-temporal fluctuations of all the defined products and no false local correlations between the fields of the atmospheric and seawater parameters. Besides, imposed are the conditions for sufficiently accurate model reproduction of the empirical spectra of the sea surface reflectance and coincidence of the results obtained from the SeaWiFS and MODIS instruments. Application of the GIOP method permits to analyze the features of variations and the relative role of the light absorption components in the upper water layer associated with phytoplankton and the dissolved yellow substance. In the deep-water part of the Black Sea in summer, yellow substance makes the main contribution to absorption, and during the summer-autumn transition period, approximately equal growth of both the phytoplankton and the yellow substance absorptions is observed. Having been compared, the features of the Black Sea and the Equatorial Pacific waters are represented as an example. In contrast to the Black Sea, phytoplankton in the Equatorial Pacific is a dominating factor, whereas the yellow substance content remains almost unchanged.


the Black Sea, the Pacific Ocean, satellite observations, spectral dependencies, optical characteristics, MODIS, SeaWiFS, GIOP, phytoplankton, yellow substance


The authors are grateful to the NASA GSFC processing satellite information group (URL: link:[]) for the opportunity to use the empirical data. The research was carried out within the framework of the State Order No. 0827-2014-0011 “Investigation of Regularities of the Marine Environment State Changes Based on the Operational Observations and the Nowcast, Forecast and Reanalysis System Data on the Marine Environment State” (Operational oceanography code).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © V. S. Suetin, S. N. Korolev, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 4, pp. 357–368 (2018)

For citation

Suetin, V.S. and Korolev, S.N., 2018. Estimating Specific Features of the Optical Property Variability in the Black Sea Waters Using the Data of SeaWiFS and MODIS Satellite Instruments. Physical Oceanography, 25(4), pp. 330-340. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-4-330-340




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