Ecological-Economic Model of Managing Recreational Potential of the Sea Coastal Zone

I. E. Timchenko, I. K. Ivashchenko, E. M. Igumnova, Yu. I. Nikiforov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Adaptive model of managing consumption and reproduction of the recreational potential in the sea coastal zone is proposed. The recreational potential is assessed based on the nature and climate features, development of a resort infrastructure, quality of recreation services and level of the coastal zone pollution. The concepts of the recreational resource concentration and the resource capacity of a recreational unit which characterize its recreational potential are introduced. Constructed is the ecological-economic model of the recreational resource consumption consisting of the economic subsystem (rendering of recreational services) and the block of managing the environmental activity which controls pollution of the recreational and coastal areas. The model equations are constructed by the method of adaptive balance of causes including the logical management agents. Such an approach is applied in the model developing intended to monitor dynamics of the recreational capacity of the South Crimea coastal region. The aim of the study is to construct the spatial-temporal scenarios of the ecological and economic processes which characterize response of the model managing recreational services to seasonal variability of the recreational potential of the sea coastal zone. The scenarios of the modeled ecological and economic processes are given. To initiate the spatial variant of the model, a part of the South Crimea coast supplied with the digital map showing average estimates of its recreational attractiveness is used. The model response to seasonal changes in the recreational potential was investigated. It is shown that in order to maintain the quality of recreational services, it is necessary to manage the balance between the rates of consumption and reproduction of the recreational resource, which characterizes the recreational capacity of the sea coastal zone.


ecological and economic system, adaptive balance of causes, consumption and reproduction of recreational resource, seasonal variability, marine pollution, recreational capacity of the coastal zone


The investigation is carried out within the framework of the state task on the theme № 0827-214-0010 “Complex interdisciplinary investigations of the oceanologic processes conditioning functioning and evolution of the Black and Azov seas’ ecosystems based on the modern methods for controlling the marine environment condition, and the hydraulic technologies”. The model is developed and the computing experiments are performed within the framework of the scientific project of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Investigations and the Sevastopol Administration № 18-47-920001 “Study of the principles for constructing adaptive models of the ecological-economic systems and digital informational technologies for managing the scenarios of sustainable development of the natural and economical complexes in the Seavastopol region”.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © The Authors, 2018, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 34, Iss. 5, pp. 454–467 (2018)

For citation

Timchenko, I.E., Ivashchenko, I.K., Igumnova, E.M. and Nikiforov, Yu.I., 2018. Ecological-Economic Model of Managing Recreational Potential of the Sea Coastal Zone. Physical Oceanography, 25(5), pp. 420-432. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2018-5-420-432




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