Energy Transitions in the Two-Layer Eddy-Resolving Model of the Black Sea

A. А. Pavlushin, N. B. Shapiro, E. N. Mikhailova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. The present article is aimed to carry out the energy analysis of the numerical experiment results obtained from modeling of the large-scale circulation in the Black Sea within the framework of a two-layer eddy-resolving model under the tangential wind stress forcing, and also to determine directions and magnitudes of the energy transitions accompanying formation of the large-scale flows and mesoscale eddies in the sea.

Methods and Results. The analysis is carried out for the period of statistical equilibrium in which the average values of all the characteristics calculated in the model remain constant in time. According to the motion scales, the Reynolds averaging method permits to divide the energy characteristics (mechanical energy and its transitions) into those relating to the large-scale flows and – to the eddies. The large-scale currents are defined as average flows over a certain selected time interval, and the deviations from them are considered to be the vortices. The energy characteristics averaged over time and/or space, are analyzed. For the period of statistical equilibrium, calculated are the energy diagrams showing contribution of the large-scale currents and the vortices to the total mechanical energy, to the magnitudes and directions of energy transitions. The time-averaged fields both of the energy components and the forces involved in the energy balance were constructed for the same period.

Conclusions. It is shown that baroclinic instability of a large-scale flow is the main cause of the Rim Current meandering, and the energy is transferred to the bottom layer due to baroclinic instability of the eddies. It has been revealed that a large portion of wind energy falls on the eastern part of the sea, whereas the energy losses take place in the western and northwestern regions of the basin. The basic part of energy dissipation takes place due to the friction forces’ work on the lower boundary of the upper layer in the area where the layer interfaces intersect the bottom.


kinetic energy, available potential energy, energy balance, numerical model, the Black Sea, energy diagram, eddy–mean flow interactions


The research is carried within the state task on theme No. 0827-2018-0002 “Development of the methods of operational oceanology based on the interdisciplinary studies of the marine environment formation and evolution processes and mathematical modeling using the data of remote and direct measurements”.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © A. А. Pavlushin, N. B. Shapiro, E. N. Mikhailova, 2019, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 35, Iss. 3, pp. 201–219 (2019)

For citation

Pavlushin, A.А., Shapiro, N.B. and Mikhailova, E.N., 2019. Energy Transitions in the Two-Layer Eddy-Resolving Model of the Black Sea. Physical Oceanography, 26(3), pp. 185-201. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2019-3-185-201




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