Modeling of Pollution Transport for the Integrated Environmental Monitoring Based on the Adjoint Equations

Yu. N. Ryabtsev, M. V. Tsyganova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. The aim of the present paper is to solve the problem of choosing the localities in the Sevastopol Bay for optimal placing the pollution sources using the adjoint equations of the admixture transfer.

Methods and Results. The embankments in the city center, the Artilleriyskaya Bay and the city beach zone are chosen as the nature protection areas. Solution of the adjoint equation of the passive admixture transport yields the influence function that permits to reveal the areas on the coast, where, in case the pollution sources are placed there, the sanitary standards will be violated, and, at the existing currents’ structure, these nature protection zones will suffer significant damage. To make sure that the adjoint equation is solved correctly, the direct problem can be solved for various locations of the impurity sources. Solution of the adjoint equation makes it possible to obtain information on the impurity amount in the preset nature protection zones during the preset time period at an arbitrary location of the impurity source. The currents velocities are calculated by the linear three-dimensional barotropic model for the steady wind currents.

Conclusions. The numerical modeling results revealed the regions, where placing of the pollution sources would violate sanitary standards in the nature protection zones under study. The experiments showed that the north and east winds were the most dangerous. Hence industrial facilities, storm and sewage discharges having been placed at the Northern side of the Sevastopol Bay, can be extremely harmful for the ecological state of the regions under consideration. At the east and southeast winds, the industrial activity products in the Yuzhnaya Bay constitute a basic source of contamination. At the south winds, the most dangerous situation occurs in case the pollution sources are placed at the coast of the recreational zone of the city.


numerical modeling, coastal zone, adjoint equation, contamination transport, Sevastopol Bay


The work was carried out within the framework of the state task for FSBSI FRC MHI on theme No. 0827-2019-0004 “Complex interdisciplinary studies of oceanological processes conditioning functioning and evolution of the ecosystems of the Black and Azov seas’ coastal zones”, and was funded by RFBR and Sevastopol, project number 20-45-920019 “Interdisciplinary investigation of physical and geographical parameters of urban sewer system in the semienclosed estuarine bay with the high anthropogenic load and their link to ecological and recreational state”.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © Yu. N. Ryabtsev, M. V. Tsyganova, 2020, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 36, Iss. 2, pp. 214–220 (2020)

For citation

Ryabtsev, Yu.N. and Tsyganova, M.V., 2020. Modeling of Pollution Transport for the Integrated Environmental Monitoring Based on the Adjoint Equations. Physical Oceanography, 27(2), pp. 197-209. doi: 10.22449/1573-160X-2020-2-197-209




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