How Oceanic Vortices can be Super Long-Lived

G. G. Sutyrin

Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island, USA



Purpose. The article is aimed at substantiating theoretically amazing longevity (up to 5 years) of the individual vortices in the World Ocean against the background of strong fluctuations of the ocean currents and regardless of the Rossby wave dispersion features.

Methods and Results. Evolution of the baroclinic vortices is considered in a hybrid two-layer ocean model over a topographic slope on the beta-plane. In the upper layer with strong potential vorticity anomalies, the currents are assumed to be balanced; in the lower layer at week potential vorticity anomalies, the currents are described in the traditional quasi-geostrophic approximation. Slow evolving almost circular vortices embedded in a vertically sheared current typical of the subtropical part of the ocean are described analytically. The theory shows how a baroclinic vortex is followed by the lee Rossby waves. The vortex drift across the mean current is conditioned mainly by the baroclinic-dipole structure of the represented solution; at that the vortex energy loss related to the Rossby wave radiation can be compensated by the energy stored in the mean currents.

Conclusions. The constructed model provides reasonable estimates of the energy drift and transfer typical of the ocean vortices with strong anomalies of potential vorticity. Direct support of long-lived vortices by the energy of the baroclinic mean flows irrespective of their stability, is of great importance for better understanding the physical mechanisms relating to significant longetivity of the geophysical vortices and the features of their movement.


baroclinic vortices, sheared currents, Rossby waves


I would like to thank Gennady Korotaev, Gregory Reznik and Andrey Zatsepin for stimulating discussions and comments during the International Conference on Mesoscale and Submesoscale Processes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere (MSP-2018) Moscow, Russia. This study was supported by the USA National Science Foundation (grant OCE 1828843). I greatly appreciate useful comments of Ziv Kizner and anonymous reviewer.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © G. G. Sutyrin, 2020, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 36, Iss. 6, pp. 740-756 (2020)

For citation

Sutyrin, G.G., 2020. How Oceanic Vortices can be Super Long-Lived. Physical Oceanography, 27(6), pp. 677-691. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2020-6-677-691




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