Dependence of the Photosynthetic Quantum Yield on Phytoplankton Light Absorption: Equations for Assessing Primary Production in the Black Sea

T. Ya. Churilova1, ✉, V. V. Suslin2, H. M. Sosik3

1 A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

2 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

3 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, USA



Purpose. Investigations were performed during a scientific cruise to characterize hydrophysical properties, chlorophyll a concentration, photosynthesis-irradiance curves, spectral light absorption coefficients by phytoplankton, and spectral quantum downwelling irradiance. From these results, the dependence of the photosynthetic quantum yield upon environmental factors was studied with the purpose of adapting an algorithm developed for the Baltic Sea so that it can be applied for the Black Sea.

Methods and Results. Complex hydrophysical and biological studies were carried out at several depths within the euphotic zone. Spectral bio-optical parameters were measured in accordance with the latest NASA protocols (2018). Experiments to determine the photosynthesis-light relationship were performed under temperature and light conditions similar to those in situ. The quantum yield of photosynthesis was calculated from parameters of photosynthesis-light curves (photosynthesis efficiency, light saturation parameter) and the spectral light absorption coefficients by phytoplankton pigments. It was found out that the main photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton, including the maximum photosynthetic quantum yield and the fraction of phytoplankton absorption associated with photoprotective accessory pigments, varied with depth within the euphotic zone, due to phytoplankton acclimation to environment factors during the period of seasonal stratification. The relationship between the photosynthetic quantum yield and the quanta absorbed by photosynthetically active phytoplankton pigments was revealed. The results of this research made it possible to build on the approach developed for other regions and modify the equation for calculating the quantum yield to apply specifically for environmental conditions in the Black Sea.

Conclusions. For the first time, comprehensive studies carried out in the Black Sea, including measurements of the photosynthesis-light dependence, spectral light absorption coefficients by phytoplankton and spectral downwelling irradiance as a function of optical depths within the euphotic zone, made it possible to reveal the equation for calculating photosynthetic quantum yield. This new equation can be applied for calculating primary production of the Black Sea using a spectral approach, based both on the results of in situ measurements and remote sensing data.


phytoplankton, pigments, photosynthesis, quantum yield, light absorption, photosynthesis, Black Sea


The research was carried out within the framework of the state task on theme AAAA-А19-119061190081-9 and also at partial support of the RFBR grant 18-45-920070. HMS acknowledges support of the Simons Foundation (award 561126).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © T. Ya. Churilova, V. V. Suslin, H. M. Sosik, 2021, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 37, Iss. 1, pp. 73-84 (2021)

For citation

Churilova, T.Ya., Suslin, V.V. and Sosik, H.M., 2021. Dependence of the Photosynthetic Quantum Yield on Phytoplankton Light Absorption: Equations for Assessing Primary Production in the Black Sea. Physical Oceanography, 28(1), pp. 67-77. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2021-1-67-77




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