Investigation of Airborne Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere of the Black Sea Coastal Zone Based on the Measured and Satellite Data

А. V. Varenik, D. V. Kalinskaya, М. А. Myslina

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. One of the most pressing problems of large cities is air pollution resulting from presence of various large and fine particles in the air. These micro-particles can be transported by the air currents over considerable distances, as well as coagulate various substances also present in the atmosphere. The purpose of the work is to study the content of particulate matter of 2.5 and 10 microns (PM2.5 and PM10) in the atmosphere of Sevastopol, as well as the processes affecting their concentration.

Methods and Results. During the period from February to June, 2020, the scientists of Marine Hydrophysical Institute (MHI), RAS measured mass concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 in Sevastopol using the “Atmas” dust analyzer. A total of 180 measurements of the micro-particle concentrations in the air of Sevastopol were done, and 60 values of the PM2.5 and PM10 daily average concentrations were obtained. To analyze the preferred aerosol type for the dates with high content of suspended particles in the air, the CALIPSO satellite data were used. It is shown that the smoke recorded in the Sevastopol atmosphere on 19.02.2020 could lead to increase of the PM10 particles concentration. A day before the increased concentrations of suspended particles were revealed in the Sevastopol atmospheric air, the CALYPSO satellite data on aerosol typing over the Black Sea had shown predominance of the smoke aerosol in the atmosphere over the region under study.

Conclusions. The results of the investigation shows that in the atmosphere of Sevastopol, the cases when the PM2.5 and PM10 particles contents exceeded the maximum permissible daily average concentration by up to 3.4 times were detected. It was found that the main cause of air pollution with micro-particles in Sevastopol was the transfer both of air masses from the deserts in the African continent and Asia and the burning biomass aerosol (smoke). Air pollution with the PM10 particles caused by the local source, namely soil exсavation in immediate proximity to the air sampling point, was less significant.


atmosphere, micro-particles, PM10, PM2.5, 24-hour average limit concentration


The investigation was carried out within the framework of the state task on themes No. 0827-2020-0004 and No. 0827-2020-0002, and the RFBR projects No. 19-05-50023 Mikromir and No. 18-05-80028.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © А. V. Varenik, D. V. Kalinskaya, М. А. Myslina, 2021, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 37, Iss. 3, pp. 350-361 (2021)

For citation

Varenik, A.V., Kalinskaya, D.V. and Myslina, M.A., 2021. Investigation of Airborne Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere of the Black Sea Coastal Zone Based on the Measured and Satellite Data. Physical Oceanography, 28(3), pp. 326–337. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2021-3-326–337




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