Impact of the Sea Waves’ Skewness and Group Structure on the Infrasound Generation by the Sea Surface

A. S. Zapevalov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. The study is aimed at analyzing the impact of the effects of the sea waves’ nonlinearity manifested in the skewness of sea surface elevations and in arising of a group structure, upon the generation of infrasound radiation by the sea surface.

Methods and Results. The analysis is based on the analytical model of a wave profile which permits to set an asymmetric wave profile (a pointed crest and a flat trough), and also to vary the grouping factor and the number of waves in a group. The field of surface waves is represented as a superposition of free waves and harmonics. It was studied using the mathematical apparatus of decomposing the analyzed function into the Fourier series. Quantitative estimates characterizing (in different situations) the ratio between the amplitudes of the acoustic waves generated by the main wave and its harmonics were obtained. It was shown that skewness affected the level of infrasound generation to a greater extent than the group structure of waves.

Conclusions. Both the skewness of sea wave elevations and their group structure lead to a decrease in the level of infrasound generated by the sea surface, as well as to the redistribution of infrasound energy over the spatial and temporal scales.


sea surface, free waves, bonded waves, hydroacoustics, infrasound, group structure


The investigation was carried out within the framework of the state task on theme No. 0555-2021-0004 “Fundamental studies of the oceanological processes which determine the state and evolution of the marine environment influenced by natural and anthropogenic factors, based on the observation and modeling methods”.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © A. S. Zapevalov, 2023, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 39, Iss. 2, pp. 177-188 (2023)

For citation

Zapevalov, A.S., 2023. Impact of the Sea Waves’ Skewness and Group Structure on the Infrasound Generation by the Sea Surface. Physical Oceanography, 30(2), pp. 160-170. doi:10.29039/1573-160X-2023-2-160-170




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