Vertical Turbulent Exchange in the Black Sea: Experimental Studies and Modeling

A. S. Samodurov1, A. M. Chukharev1, 2, ✉, D. A. Kazakov1, M. I. Pavlov1, V. A. Korzhuev1

1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS, Sevastopol, Russian Federation

2 Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. The paper is purposed at summarizing the main results of experimental and theoretical studies of vertical turbulent exchange in the upper mixed layer and stratified layers of the Black Sea carried out in recent years.

Methods and Results. The equations for semi-empirical dependences of turbulence intensity on the governing parameters are proposed, based on a large amount of experimental data on the turbulent structure obtained on the research vessels and a stationary oceanographic platform using modern high-frequency equipment combined with conventional measurements of main hydrophysical characteristics. The experimental data obtained were used to verify theoretical models and to specify empirical coefficients in the proposed equations. A multiscale model was applied additionally to the Kraus – Turner model to forecast reliably the upper mixed layer deepening after a storm. The turbulent energy dissipation rate and the turbulent diffusion coefficient in the stratified layers were found using the data on microstructure of hydrophysical fields. The coefficient dependences on buoyancy frequency in different layers are expressed by a power function with different degree indices.

Conclusions. Having been examined in detail, the stratification conditions as well as a large array of sounding data made it possible to identify five layers with different density gradients and different mechanisms dominant in generating turbulence. Such a differentiation specifies the expressions describing turbulent diffusion intensity depending on the layer depth and physical and geographical conditions affecting vertical exchange. On the whole, the resulting power-law dependences agree well with the earlier developed 1.5D model of vertical turbulent exchange for the Black Sea. The proposed way of considering the effect of turbulence generation mechanisms in the upper mixed layer improves correspondence between the model calculations and the experimental data. The Kraus – Turner model supplemented with the multiscale turbulence model permits to forecast deepening of the mixed layer resulting from storm conditions.


Black Sea, turbulent exchange, upper mixed layer, stratified layers, dissipation rate, turbulent diffusion coefficient, modeling, experimental data


Within the framework of state assignment of FSBSI FRC MHI, theme FNNN-2021-0004 “Oceanological processes”, the experimental studies, data processing and partial analysis, modernization of a multiscale model for the sea surface layer, and specification of functional dependencies of the turbulent diffusion coefficient in stratified layers were implemented. Modeling and analysis of the UML thickness dynamics in the experiments, records analysis and parameterization of the Langmuir circulation were performed with the financial support of the RSF grant 22-17-00150.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © The Authors, 2023, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 39, Iss. 6, pp. 735–759 (2023)

For citation

Samodurov, A.S., Chukharev, A.M., Kazakov, D.A., Pavlov, M.I. and Korzhuev, V.A., 2023. Vertical Turbulent Exchange in the Black Sea: Experimental Studies and Modeling. Physical Oceanography, 30(6), pp. 689-713.


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