An Advanced Electric Power Generator for Offshore Autonomous Stations

D. G. Gryazin1, 2, ✉, K. A. Gleb3

1 “Concern “SCRI “Elektropribor”, JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

2 FSAEI HE “National Research University ITMO”, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

3 PJSC «Gazprom», Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation



Purpose. The research is purposed at substantiation of the design of floating marine stations with a wave energy generator. The proposed construction is of higher efficiency as compared to the known designs due to the application of roll oscillations and resonance operating mode.

Methods and Results. The resonance method of converting wave energy into electrical energy, as well as the design of an autonomous station based on the resonance conversion of the station hull roll oscillations into the electrical energy are described. The method implies adjusting the frequency of natural angular oscillations of the floating station hull to the significant wave frequency. It has been theoretically proved that the conversion of roll oscillations energy is more effective than the conversion of vertical oscillations. This is due to the fact that the amount of damping during vertical vibrations of a cylindrical body in water exceeds the amount of damping during angular oscillations of such a body. Besides, the proposed method is shown to be effective for applications in the development of measurement systems and storage devices. The design of a floating station is proposed for implementing the resonance method for converting wave energy. It is shown that adjusting the frequency of natural onboard oscillations of the station hull to the significant wave frequency can be done using the additional filled tanks. The algorithm for adjusting the hull roll oscillations to the resonance with significant wave frequency is described. The kinematic scheme for a mechanical converter of roll energy into electrical one is proposed.

Conclusions. The results of theoretical studies were validated experimentally using the device test model in a wave experimental basin. They show that the hydrodynamic efficiency of the proposed wave converter increases as the wave heights decrease.


energy, waves, conversion, mechanical, electrical energy, floating stations, roll oscillations


The authors are grateful to Sergei G. Zhivitsa, PhD, a specialist of FSUE Krylov State Research Center, for his valuable assistance in conducting the studies and preparing the materials for the paper.

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © D. G. Gryazin, K. A. Gleb, 2024, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 40, Iss. 4, pp. 588–610 (2024)

For citation

Gryazin, D.G. and Gleb, K.A., 2024. An Advanced Electric Power Generator for Offshore Autonomous Stations. Physical Oceanography, 31(4), pp. 539-561.


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