Biogeochemical Characteristics of the Surface Layer and CO2 Fluxes in the Ocean – Atmosphere System in the Fjords of Western Spitsbergen
N. K. Alekseeva✉, A. L. Nikulina, E. V. Bloshkina, Ya. V. Shved, I. V. Ryzhov, A. E. Novikhin, M. S. Makhotin
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
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Purpose. The study is purposed at assessing and analyzing spatial variability and seasonal dynamics of the carbonate system parameters in the fjords of Western Spitsbergen based on the results of field research in the spring (April) and summer (August) seasons, 2023.
Methods and Results. The physical and chemical parameters of water, such as total alkalinity, pH and nutrient contents were studied. The samples were analyzed in the chemical analytical laboratory of the Russian Scientific Center at Spitsbergen (RSCS). The pH was measured using a Mettler Tolledo Seven Compact S220 laboratory pH-meter, and total alkalinity – by direct titration of a seawater sample with a 0.02 hydrochloric acid (the equivalence point was determined visually). The concentrations of phosphates and silicates, as well as chlorophyll a were measured by standard spectrometric methods. The carbonate system parameters and CO2 flux direction and speed were calculated using the Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations. The revealed seasonal dynamics and variability of the carbonate system parameters are closely related to the atmospheric conditions, water mass seasonal variability and intensity of bioproductivity. The estimates of carbon dioxide flux obtained using the data for August 2023 allow to conclude that during this period CO2 is absorbed in Grønfjorden (–1.52 ... –4.76 mmol m–2·day–1) and Isfjorden (–0.12 ... –1.0 mmol m–2·day–1), whereas in Billefjorden a local area with positively directed CO2 flux (1.2–2.6 mmol m–2·day–1) was discovered.
Conclusions. The studies carried out in the fjords have resulted in revealing seasonal fluctuations in the carbonate system parameters and the carbon dioxide fluxes similar to other inner fjords of Spitsbergen. The obtained results highlight the importance of the carbonate system parameters in understanding the biogeochemical balance and the state of marine ecosystems in the context of climate change.
Western Spitsbergen fjords, marine carbonate system, CO2 flux, chlorophyll a, aragonite, Arctic
The material was collected by the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) at Spitsbergen within the framework of the Russian Scientific Arctic Expedition to Spitsbergen (RAE-S) in 2023. The authors are grateful to the RAE-S Research Coordination and Planning Department for their constant attention to the work and high-quality organization of field studies, as well as to the RAE-S wintering team in Barentsburg for their assistance in field and laboratory research. The study was carried out within the framework of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program in the field of ecological development of the Russian Federation and climate change for 2021–2030. Agreement No. 169-03-2024-072.
Original russian text
Original Russian Text © The Authors, 2024, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 40, Iss. 6, pp. 878–890 (2024)
For citation
Alekseeva, N.K., Nikulina, A.L., Bloshkina, E.V., Shved, Ya.V., Ryzov, I.V., Novikhin, A.E. and Makhotin, M.S., 2024. Biogeochemical Characteristics of the Surface Layer and CO2 Fluxes in the Ocean – Atmosphere System in the Fjords of Western Spitsbergen. Physical Oceanography, 31(6), pp. 826-837.
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