Geospheric Disturbances on Recordings of Laser Interference Devices
S. G. Dolgikh✉, G. I. Dolgikh
V. I. Il’yichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
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Purpose. The purpose of the work is to investigate the meteotsunami phenomenon, search for its occurrences in the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, and evaluate the characteristics of the oscillations caused by this phenomenon.
Methods and Results. Since 2000, measurements have been carried out at the Cape Schultz Marine Experimental Station using a seismoacoustic hydrophysical complex consisting of laser strainmeters, a laser nanobarograph, laser meters of hydrosphere pressure variations, a broadband seismograph, a weather station, a laboratory room and auxiliary equipment. All laser meters are based on Michelson interferometers. Data from all equipment are pre-processed and entered into the experimental database. To achieve this goal, synchronous data obtained during the meteotsunami in May 2015 were processed and analyzed. To compare the oscillations, registered in neighboring geospheres, filtering in the specified frequency ranges was performed in each case of comparison (Hamming filter was used for this purpose). The analysis of the data of the seismo-acoustic hydrophysical complex revealed several solitary waves corresponding in their characteristics to meteotsunami. The laser nanobarograph recorded a sharp change in the atmospheric pressure, which led to the occurrence of waves in the hydrosphere with an amplitude several times greater than the amplitude of the irregular semidiurnal tide, which was recorded by the laser meter of hydrospheric pressure variations. The moment of wave arrival in the hydrosphere was accompanied by powerful deformation perturbations, which were recorded by a laser strainmeter and a broadband seismograph. After a while, the laser nanobarograph and the laser strainmeter recorded strong oscillations.
Conclusions. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, a sharp increase in atmospheric pressure was recorded, which led to the appearance of waves in the hydrosphere, exceeding the amplitudes of the daily tide in the studied region, an increase in the amplitude of microdeformations of the Earth’s crust with periods from 2 to 2.5 min was detected. A sharp change in atmospheric pressure caused an increase in the amplitudes of infragravity wave oscillations. A few hours after the passage of the last wave, the registration of vibrations and waves with a period of 1 hour 37 minutes in all geospheres began simultaneously on all records of laser interference devices. The analysis of the data obtained with the laser interference devices showed that the main source of these vibrations was in the atmosphere.
meteotsunami, laser strainmeter, laser nanobarograph, laser meters of hydrosphere pressure variations, broadband seismograph
The work was supported in part by the State Assignment under Grant 124022100074-9 “The study of the nature of linear and nonlinear interaction of geospheric fields of the transition zones of the World Ocean and their consequences” (instrumentation setup, physical measurements) and in part by the Laboratory of Nonlinear Hydrophysics and Natural Hazards of V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Science and Education of Russia, Project Agreement No. 075-15-2022-1127 from July 1, 2022 (processing and interpretation of the obtained data).
For citation
Dolgikh, S.G. and Dolgikh, G.I., 2025. Geospheric Disturbances on Recordings of Laser Interference Devices. Physical Oceanography, 32(1), pp. 46-62.
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