Basic Regularities of Vertical Turbulent Exchange in the Mixed and Stratified Layers of the Black Sea

A. S. Samodurov, A. M. Chukharev, D. A. Kazakov

Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sevastopol, Russian Federation



Purpose. The purpose of the study is to assess the coefficient of vertical turbulent exchange for different layers of the Black Sea basin based on the experimental data on microstructure of the physical fields obtained for the period 2004–2019 in the Black Sea and using the semi-empirical models.

Methods and Results. For the upper mixed layer, the turbulent energy dissipation rate ɛ and the exchange coefficient were calculated using the velocity fluctuation spectra based on the Kolmogorov hypotheses on the turbulence spectrum inertial range. In the stratified layers, the turbulence coefficient and the dissipation rate were experimentally determined both from the spectra of the velocity horizontal fluctuations’ gradients and the vertical spectra of temperature fluctuations using the concept of the effective scale of turbulent patches. Depending on the features of the hydrological regime and the prevailing energy contributors to turbulence generation, five layers were identified and described (including their characteristic power dependences of the vertical turbulent diffusion coefficients K on the buoyancy frequency N) using the 1.5D-model of vertical turbulent exchange for the basin under study. For the stratified layers, the 1.5D-model results were comparatively analyzed with those of the other semi-empirical and theoretical models describing the most probable hydrophysical processes in each specific layer; the relations for the vertical turbulent exchange coefficient were obtained depending on the buoyancy frequency.

Conclusions. Comparison of the experimental data collected under different hydrometeorological conditions with the simulations resulted from the known turbulence models for the sea upper layer showed that the best agreement between the simulation and measurement data was provided by a multiscale model taking into account three basic mechanisms of turbulence generation: current velocity shear, instability of wave motions, and wave breaking. The turbulent exchange coefficient dependencies on depth are conditioned by the effect of the turbulence dominant source at a given level. In the stratified layers, the exchange coefficient dependence on buoyancy frequency is determined by the hydrophysical processes in each layer; the relations obtained for individual layers indicate intensity of the contributions of vertical advection, internal wave breakings, turbulence diffusion and geothermal flux.


Black Sea, energy dissipation, stratified layer, vertical turbulent exchange, buoyancy frequency, measuring complex, field measurements, turbulent exchange models, 1.5em>D</em>-model


The investigation was carried out within the framework of state task No. 0555-2021-0004 "Oceanological processes".

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © A. S. Samodurov, A. M. Chukharev, D. A. Kazakov, 2021, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 37, Iss. 4, pp. 405-422 (2021)

For citation

Samodurov, A.S., Chukharev, A.M. and Kazakov, D.A., 2021. Basic Regularities of Vertical Turbulent Exchange in the Mixed and Stratified Layers of the Black Sea. Physical Oceanography, 28(4), pp. 405-422. doi:10.22449/1573-160X-2021-4-376-391




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