Results of Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations and Variations in the Earth’s Crust Deformations at Cape Schultz in Winter Period, 2023–2024

M. A. Bovsun, G. I. Dolgikh, S. G. Dolgikh, V. V. Ovcharenko, I. E. Stepochkin, V. A. Chupin, A. V. Yatsuk

V. I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok, Russian Federation



Purpose. The purpose of the study is to monitor climatic changes in the southern part of Primorsky Krai related to the variations in meteorological parameters, greenhouse gas flows, and the effect of catastrophic deformation processes of the Earth's crust.

Methods and Results. At the Cape Shultz Marine Experimental Station, complex measurements are continuously performed by a stationary hardware and software measuring complex for gas-deformation monitoring. The measuring complex consisting of several laser interference measuring devices (laser strainmeters, laser nanobarograph and laser meter of hydrosphere pressure variations) and a stationary closed-type gas analyzer for measuring the carbon dioxide and water vapor concentrations in the atmosphere, is briefly described. All the field measurement data obtained using the complex are assembled in a common database for subsequent research. During the measurements performed in winter 2023–2024 and spring 2024, new data on the manifestations and interactions of different geospheric processes were obtained. In winter, an excess of carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere and its decrease in early spring were recorded, that was due to a seasonal change of the prevailing wind direction. The monitoring has resulted in revealing a daily frequency of the carbon dioxide concentration. At the same time, the effect of daily variations in the atmospheric air temperature upon the daily variations in carbon dioxide concentration was recorded. The deformation monitoring made it possible to record a catastrophic earthquake which caused a tsunami in the Sea of Japan. Calculation of the magnitude of the revealed deformation anomaly of the earthquake permitted to determine the magnitude of the Earth’s crust displacement that led to the occurrence of a tsunami wave. Complex processing of data shows the data correlation induced by micro-deformations the Earth’s crust and the variations in atmospheric pressure, carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere at tidal harmonics.

Conclusions. Comprehensive monitoring of the greenhouse gas concentrations and the variations in crustal deformations made it possible to identify the dependencies of short-period oscillations during the gas-deformation inter-geospheric interactions. The latest data on the changes in greenhouse gas concentrations in winter in the southern part of Primorsky Krai have been obtained.


hardware and software complex, deformation of the Earth's crust, carbon dioxide, water vapor, gas-geochemical monitoring, meteorological monitoring, deformation monitoring, tsunami


The study was carried out with the financial support of FSTP “Grounds for the climate monitoring system of the Far Eastern seas and development of methods for monitoring the extreme weather and climate phenomena related to the ocean, based on stationary and mobile measuring complexes as well as multi-sensor satellite sensing” (taking measurements and interpreting the obtained results) and within the framework of theme (No. 124022100074-9) “Study of the origin of linear and nonlinear interaction between the geospheric fields of transition zones of the World Ocean and their consequences” (development of the experimental complex).

Original russian text

Original Russian Text © The Authors, 2024, published in MORSKOY GIDROFIZICHESKIY ZHURNAL, Vol. 40, Iss. 6, pp. 918–935 (2024)

For citation

Bovsun, M.A., Dolgikh, G.I., Dolgikh, S.G., Ovcharenko, V.V., Stepochkin, I.E., Chupin, V.A. and Yatsuk, A.V., 2024. Results of Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations and Variations in the Earth’s Crust Deformations at Cape Schultz in Winter Period, 2023–2024. Physical Oceanography, 31(6), pp. 863-879.


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